Chapter 31: For you to be my forever.

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Cassandra's POV

After what happened, I never left my girlfriends side. I didn't trust what could happen, especially with the boys around our school. Along side that, it was 30 minutes till the ball drop. 30 minutes till 2021 begins. 30 minutes till I begin a new year, with my girl. Crazy to think just how far her and I have come.

I just stared at my girlfriend as she dazed off into space. She seemed uncomfortable and fearful. I swear I will hurt Colton for trying to hurt my girl. But until then, i'd push it to the back of my head and just be there for her.

I despised Colton even more then I had before. What he tried to do to Sabrina made me want to scream and hurt him badly. To make him regret being born.

"Hey, you okay?" I questioned in her ear as she locked her eyes onto mine, with a small nod.

"Can we go outside? I need some air" she questioned sweetly as she laid her head on my shoulder. I, of course nodded placing my red solo cup down and taking her hand before leading her out the back door.

The thing about Brodie and Jamie is that they are filthy rich and live beach side. So, as we exited the house, the cool ocean air blew lightly leaving a salty scent behind.

From there I let her lead us to where she desired, which didn't surprise me when we ended up walking in the sand, with our shoes long forgotten on the deck.

Sabrina stayed quiet as she held my hand in hers and my bicep in her other. She held my arm like I was going to float away if she didn't. She's really freaked out, rightfully so.

I just kept her close, letting her decide if she wanted to talk or not. The waves crashed on the shore as Sabrina stayed quiet looking out over the dark water that was being illuminated by the moon and the stars.

"It's beautiful out here" Sabrina whispered as she moved to wrap her arms around my torso, and laid her head against my chest. My arms subconsciously wrapped around her, holding her closely.

"It is" I whispered resting my head against her forehead looking between the water and Sabrina but mostly at Sabrina.

"Cass, he really freaked me out" she said after minutes of silence. Her voice was shaky, and I could feel her breathing quicken.

"I know baby, I want to hurt him for what he tried to do to you Sabs. He freaked me out to, but he wouldn't have laid a finger on you, I would kill him before he could"

"Cass" she sighed, looking up at me, and even in the dark I could see her beautiful eyes, however her eyes were watery, like she was about to cry.

"Hey" I whispered as I moved my hands to hold her face. I ran my thumbs along her cheekbones as she leaned into my hand. Her eyes met mine, and my heart basically broke seeing the fear and pain pooling in her eyes. Seeing her cry was something that would simply break me.

"You're safe baby, you're always going to be safe with me, i'd never, ever let anything happen to you" I told her as a tear fell from her eye as she tried to blink it away. I used my thumb to wipe the tear from her cheek as I leaned forward and lightly kissed her forehead.

"I know" she whispered, making eye contact again. "I was just so scared" she added swallowing hard. "But as soon as I saw your eyes, meet mine, I felt safe. How do you always make me feel safe even in situations that are threatening?" she questioned awkwardly laughing.

"Because baby, I would die protecting you" I whispered, as she leaned up taking my lips I hers kissing my sweetly, as she moved her hand to hold the back of my neck.

"I love you Cassandra, like words cannot describe just how in love with you I am" she said lowly. I smiled leaning in and kissing her again, and again.

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