Chapter 22: I really needed this.

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Sabrina's POV

My heart sank sadly for Vero. Her father being in the hospital had to be killing her. Blake sat here filling us in on what's been going on. It was Monday, and Vero was home sleeping. Luckily, today was the last day of school before we had the next 4 days off for Thanksgiving.

We had a half day today, which at MV were virtually pointless. It was used as an advising/study hall day. Meaning we sat in our homerooms for most of the day doing work. Today also just happened to be annual Cassandra and Kaylee skip day so they were sure to go nowhere close to the school today.

"Can we do something to hep take her mind off of it?" I questioned sadly resting my chin in my palm.

"Maybe a Friendsgiving?" Seven questioned looking between me and Blake, who nodded liking the idea.

"I think she might like that actually" Blake smiled.

"Well lets plan for tomorrow! We can do it at my house" I added in as both my friends nodded. As we talked details, my phone vibrated with a text, from Cassandra to be specific. Save me... your sister is annoying me.

I chuckled at the text as I typed out my reply, Suck it up buttercup, you're stuck with her. She is your best friend after all.

BTW, Friendsgiving tomorrow at mine and Kaylees house... you can come I guess

I laid my phone down tuning back in listening to the planning of this newly found event. We all had something to bring, and suddenly I found myself very excited despite the fact that Kaylee and I were stuck making a turkey... well lets be real, it was more Kaylee was stuck making a turkey.

As the bell rang releasing us to go home, Blake was nice enough to take my home where I found my sisters car, sitting in the driveway.

I went inside placing my bag down before heading into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and a snack before going and sitting on the couch turning the tv on, playing Vampire Diaries.

My sister and Cassandra's voices filled the living room. As I turned and looked, I saw them descending down the stairs. I smiled to myself seeing my girlfriend but quickly averted my eyes back to the tv.

"What's up Squirt?" Kaylee said flopping down to the left of me, as Cassandra sat to my right, resting her arm over the back of the couch.

"I couldn't even get 5 minutes" I said face palming, jokingly.

"Shut up, you love our company" Cassandra said with a grin and a wink.

"Ehh" I sarcastically replied.

"Anyways!" Kaylee exclaimed. "How was school?" She smirked.

"Well," I exaggerated. "Pointless." I said with a glare at both girls next to me.

"We offered for you to skip with us!" Cassandra said and I rolled my eyes.

"I know, but I had a presentation this morning so I had to go" I replied.

"Oh yeah, how did that go?" Cass questioned. I looked at her with a wide smile, my eyes probably sparkling.

"Good actually! Mr. Sampson said mine was the best one yet" I said with a smile, my eyes bouncing from her eyes to her lips. I wanted kisses very badly.

"Good job ba-" Cassandra started but cleared her throat quickly covering for the slips she almost just had. "Good job Sabrina!" she said saving the day. Luckily, when we both looked at Kaylee, she was too caught up in her phone.

"Speaking of which, where are your crutches?" I questioned my girlfriend who looked at her leg, which was still in the immobilizer.

"Upstairs, I was tired of using them so since we have been here, i've been hopping around on one foot everywhere" She said and I just shook my head. How could I argue with that logic?

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