Chapter 9: No, I just thought it sounded good!

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Cassandra's POV

I woke up the next morning to a weight on my chest. Looking down, I saw Sabrina peacefully sleeping. I smiled thinking about the previous night that led us to her falling asleep in my arms.

I also thought about the fact that Kaylee would absolutely murder me for having a crush on her sister. Kaylee has always been so protective of her sister. There was one time a couple years ago, where this guy was talking crudely about Sabrina, and Kaylee just about smashed his face in.

My eyes stayed locked on the sleeping girl, so effortlessly beautiful. I ran my fingers through her hair as she contently curled further into me. I couldn't hold back my smile as she did. This just felt so right, so safe.

The pitter patter of rain droplets hit against the window as a low rumble emerged from the sky. Shrugging it off, I wrapped my arms tighter around Sabrina as I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of her on my chest. How the pound of my heart beat wasn't waking her up, I will never know.

I ran my fingers up and down her back subconsciously as I leaned my head against hers. I slowed my hand as I peacefully listened to the rain.

"mm, don't stop" a sleepy Sabrina muttered. Her eyes still tightly shut. I smile before resuming my hand movements.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" I whispered to her as she curled closer. Her silver eyes revealed themselves as she looked up at me, before she scrunched them shut again. Laying her head back in its original position.

"Mmm, it is too early" she mumbled. I smiled at her cuteness, wanting nothing more than to soak it all in. I learned rather quickly that, I was a sucker for her.

"It's 9:45" I replied and she shrugged.

"Too early" her raspy morning voice said.

I found myself wanting to always wake up by her side, to wake up with her in my arms. This feeling was the best I have felt, just having her here made me smile, brought me comfort. A feeling I have never felt before... with anyone. But Sabrina made if easy.

"Shit i'm sorry. You probably don't want me laying on you" She said as she tried to move. I chuckled shaking my head.

"You don't have to move" I told her. She nodded shyly resuming her position she was just in.

A loud rumble came from outside again as I felt Sabrina, jump slightly before beginning to tremble. Thinking she was cold, I pulled the blankets higher and held her tighter.

"I'm not a big storm person" she mumbled, fear laced in her voice. Her eyes met mine again, they were filling with tears and it broke my heart.

"Hey, you're safe. Don't worry. Nothing will happen. I promise" I whispered, rubbing her arm with my hand. She nodded tightening her grip around my waist.

We laid there in silence for what felt like hours, "Why aren't you a big storm person? If you don't mind my asking?" I questioned as she maneuvered herself to look up at me, making my heart just melt.

She shrugged, thinking for a second. "I think that it started the night my mom left" She said pausing. The Logan sisters mom leaving is a story I have heard thousands of times, but never from Sabrina's perspective.

"It was storming really bad that night, and my dad had picked Kaylee and I up from our after school program, and when we got home my dad found my mom in bed with another man" She said resting her chin on her hand that was draped across my chest.

"My mother got really angry, blamed my father for being a deadbeat, when in reality it was the opposite" She said pausing again. I felt the constant need to run my fingers through her hair, to push her fallen hairs behind her ear. As much as I tried to fight it, I couldn't resist.

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