Chapter 30: Thats my girl!

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Sabrina's POV

As sad as it was to understand, winter break had come to a quick end and now here I was sitting in my living room, allowing the post break depression to set in, as I waited for Seven to come pick me up so we could head to Brodie and Jamie's New Years Eve party.

Cass and I's week at the beach was simply amazing. There was no other way to put it. Being able to spend that time alone with her had me floating on cloud nine. We had to leave yesterday, which was upsetting cause I could have stayed there with her forever. But unfortunately reality had to come and ruin it.

Seconds later my girlfriend limped down the stairs, with a damp towel drying her hair. Unfortunately our time at the beach caused her knee to flare up and swell back up, but she's doing pretty okay with her knee struggles.

She came up behind me and leaned over the back of the couch, leaving her hair dripping onto my lap.

"Cass! Your hair is wet!" I exclaimed as I just heard her laugh, as she shook some water out a bit. I smacked my palm to my forehead as I looked up at my smirking girlfriend.

She leaned down and kissed me sweetly Spiderman style before continuing to wring out her hair, occasionally flicking water at me making me roll my eyes at her playful antics.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked me as I just nodded scrolling through my phone. Next thing I know, my phone was being removed from my hands, as my girlfriend slinked her way into my lap leaving her head laying on my thighs and her towel that was drying her hair quickly ditched to the floor.

"Well hi!" I laughed, as she just grinned up at me.

"I just wanted your attention" she innocently smiled, but if you know Cassandra. Her and innocent do not ever go into the same sentence.

"Well you have it" I replied as she turned her 'innocent' smile into a smirk. She reached her hand up to cup my cheek, as she pulled my lips down to hers. See, anything but innocent.

As I kiss her everything in the world disappears as her and I just get completely lost in each other. So much so that we both completely missed the front door swinging open.

"Fuck, guys seriously! You're not even ready yet Delgado! Stop being useless lesbians and get ready to go before you swallow each other whole!" Seven yelled as she closed the door behind her.

I lifted my head up quickly with red cheeks, as I looked at my best friend.

"Oh hey Seven" Cassandra said as she rolled off the couch, leaving her to stand up straight.

"Don't 'oh hey Seven' me, would you please go get ready!" Seven exclaimed. Cassandra laughed before grabbing her towel and walking off, towards the stairs.

"Seven!" I exclaimed as I hugged my best friend whom I haven't seen in while due to her trip with Brodie and Jamie.

"How was Bora Bora?" I asked as we both sat down on the couch.

"It was great the Viotto twins really know how to party, Brodie and I went to clubs every night, Jamie got to perform a show, and somehow fell into an opening act position for some big name band. Brodie met some guy, he's a drummer, in some band, and he's from Georgia. I met some guy, he was cute, kinda a douche though" Seven said, all in one breath i'm pretty sure. Her quick explanation of her story left me with whiplash, because it was so all over the place.

"Woah, wait you met a guy!" I questioned making my best friend nod.

"Damn, I was rooting for you and Jamie" I sorta joked.

"Oh yeah no her and I slept together in Bora Bora, it was great, then we kinda fought and then I met Jasper and started talking to him" Seven explained, and again. Whiplash.

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