Chapter 3: Go to class you hooligan!

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Vero's POV

How it was already 3 weeks into school, I'd never know. Time was flying by, but sometimes I really believed it was not flying by fast enough. Especially as I sat here, in the hallway, leaning against the lockers.

The look of fear and horror on my face was very obvious, almost too obvious. My weekly grade report I was required to get for my parents, and tutor, was terrible, the worst its been.

Yes it is only 2 weeks into school, but that doesn't stop teachers from quizzes, tests and homework. Out of 7 classes... 4 were below C's.

"What's up buttercup!" a familiar voice spoke, from my right. I quickly hid my report so she couldn't see it. "SJ! Hi!" I said trying to act coolly.

"What are you sitting on the floor for?" She questioned, as she just moved on with the conversation, much to my happiness. "Nothing really, i'm just kinda chilling, and waiting" I shrugged, nonchalantly. I felt her sit next to me and I smiled. I hadn't had a chance to hang out with SJ in a long while.

"What were you looking at?" her kind voice questioned. I shook my head, "Nothing, just a paper"  I shrugged sliding it into my backpack.

"Oh a love note?" She questioned nudging, as she wiggled her eyebrows. I chuckled, looking down shaking my head, "No one would want to date me" I replied, almost above a whisper. But I knew she could hear.

"Bull shit" She replied back, her eyes in a playful side glare as I giggle shrugging, at least I know the truth.

"Wheres B?"

I laughed as I looked at her seeing the confusion written across her face. "Detention" I said, laughing again. "Damn, that girl stays in detention" SJ replied and I smiled nodding, as I toyed with my fingers in my lap.

"What'd she do this time?" SJ questioned, "She threw a book at some kid who tired to touch her" I shrugged like it was a normal thing. "Typical Blake!" she laughed. See. Blake had an ability to always end up in detention. She was a trouble maker... but its okay if they're hot... right?

I close my eyes and lean my head against the cold locker doors. "Oh, are you feeling better? I know you were home sick a couple days ago?" She questioned.

I smiled, nodding "Yeah, I had just come down with a little cold", as I went to add something else into the conversation, my phone buzzed indicating a text. My heart dropped as I went to pull it out seeing it was from my dad. I visibly froze, my eyes staring at the lit up screen.

My hands trembled as I unlocked the phone, immediately going to the text. SJ had probably said something, but I couldn't hear her over the pressure on my ears. Come home immediately after school. Your mother and I are not happy.

When were they ever happy, rolling my eyes and collecting my thoughts I slid my phone away. Looking up, I finally made eye contact with SJ, who sported a concerned expression. "You okay?" She questioned generously.

I put on a cheesy smile, "Never better!"

SJ gave me a pointed look before shrugging it off deciding not to push the topic. Which I was thankful for, as the facade I was wearing stood strong. On the inside though, I was crumbling, fear of my parents coursed through my veins, interlaced with my blood.

I needed a reason to not go home, I needed a reason to never go home. "Vero, are you okay?" SJ's voice questioned, obviously knowing something was off. The sound of her voice breaking through my wall of fear. Tears filled my eyes as I looked up at her. My head shook no slowly.

Sabrina was quick to pull me into a hug, I almost instantly collapsed into her arms. She soothingly rubbed my back, as I trembled. My breathing staggered as everything around me caved inwards.

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