Chapter 1: It's been 4 years, S.

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Sabrina's POV

"SJ! Lets go, you're going to make us late!" My sister yelled pounding on my door, luckily I was already awake, dressed and ready to go. I was excited, I couldn't sleep last night. Junior year was finally here, and it is going to be my year I just know it.

I enjoyed school, because learning new things always enticed me, I know nerdy right? But I had a lot to live up to. It's always hard living in the shadow of your perfect older sister, who could never ever do anything wrong. She's a perfect student, cheer captain, and debate team captain. And I'm just Kaylee's sister.
But this year was going to be different, I was going to be something this year.

Grabbing my backpack, I quickly left my room running down the stairs where my sister was waiting, dressed in her cheer uniform, there must be a game or something today.

"Damn squirt could you take any longer" She playfully said opening the door and nudging me out of it. "Listen, I had to look good, it's the first day of school" I said and she rolled her eyes with a smile unlocking the car.

"You know, who ever it is you like, probably doesn't need you to impress them" Kaylee winked as my cheeks grew red and I gulped hard quickly looking out the window. Shit she knows. I panicked momentarily before Kaylee backed out of our garage. "I bet it's that Sophomore boy. I should go talk to him" Kaylee said driving down the street.

"NO!" I quickly exclaimed, well yelled, at my sister making her jump. "I mean, no I don't like him. I don't like anyone" Lie.

"Mmhmm sure kid. Sure" Kaylee said as I let out a sigh, she can't ever find out my actual crush. Our drive to our school was short every morning thanks to us living so close to the school. As we pulled into our school, Kaylee drove around to the senior lot and parked her car. Of course right next to Cassandra Delgado's white motorcycle, which she unfortunately was still sitting on.

I sighed as I did my absolute best to not look at her, but as I was going to move my eyes away, she sat up and pulled her helmet off making her wavy shoulder-length black hair flow free. I could feel the way my heart sped up as I quickly swallowed hard and turned my gaze away just as quickly before I got caught staring.

"Yo Pita, you're here early?!" Kaylee called out as she opened her car door. "Yeah what can I say, I was just too excited for school" she sassily replied, which I heard as I got out of the car. I smiled slightly to myself as I heard her raspy voice with her thick accent.

"Later SJ" Kaylee said as she linked arms with Cassandra and pulled her off. "Yeah see ya kid!" Cassandra called back as her and Kaylee began talking as they walked off.

I sighed leaning against the car as I leaned watched Cassandra. Let me give a bit of back story. Cassandra Delgado was Kaylee's best friend, has been for 5 years. It's has not been the easiest 5 years for me because for 4 of them, I have seen Cassandra differently. I have had the biggest crush on her. Which is useless. She's my sister's best friend and Kaylee would actually kill me if she knew I liked her best friend.

"Ahh Ms Logan seems to be drooling" An agonisingly annoying voice said popping up behind me, making me jump. "Fuck. I uh, I wasn't, I was just- jus" I quickly stammered out.

"Just drooling over Cassandra?" Seven smirked as I sighed pressing my palm to my forehead. "Man you have it bad" She added and I rolled my eyes, "Would you hush, I do not" I tried but Seven only gave me a pointed look.

"Anyways!" Seven said pausing momentarily before speaking again, "Did you do that summer assignment for calculus?" I rolled my eyes at her before reaching into my bag and pulling out my calculus homework and passing it to her. "Sev, you have to start doing your own work"

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