Chapter 17: No... Cause she couldn't handle these fists of fury

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Cassandra's POV

Walking through school today was overwhelming. After the Semi Final win, I am even more stressed out than before. The championship game is tonight, and we're playing our toughest competition. Our rival high school whose only loss was against us.

We barely beat them the last time we played them, so it was clear that tonight, they would be out for blood and nothing less. My nerves were through the roof and with every second passing by, everyone was counting on me to lead the team to our first Championship game since 2001.

So the pressure was on, and I couldn't stop my nerves. The game was in 6 hours, and focusing on anything other than that was physically impossible for me to do. No matter how hard I tried.

"Pita?!" Kaylee exclaimed smacking me in the arm.

"Hm?" I questioned zoning back into where I was. Where that was I wasn't too sure. "Where am I?" I questioned looking around.

"You're in Marcos' class. You good? You have been so out of it all day today" I sighed nodding.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just preparing for tonight is all" I said as I pulled the hood of my sweatshirt up. I have never been this nervous before.

"Miss Delgado! Will you be leading Mountain Vista to its first championship title in 20 years?!" Mr. Marcos exclaimed as the bell rang for the start of class. I just looked at him and smiled.

And that right there is why my nerves are so high. Every person I have passed today has done nothing but hype me and the game up. I just wanted to treat this game like any other. People are excited, I get it but it's a ton of pressure.

I really just wanted to be with Sabrina right now. I wanted to feel the sense of comfort she offers me. I have really fallen completely head over heels for her. After ages of not feeling anything, she's made my numb heart beat. Unfortunately, I wasn't seeing her till after my game. Which I was very displeased with.

My nerves only got worse as each hour passed by. With music blaring in my ears, I got ready for this game overly anxious to get it started.

My foot tapped in anticipation listening to my coach speak. I took deep breaths as I pushed my baby hairs out of my face. What coach was saying, I really had no clue. I was too focused on the most important game of my career thus far.

Coach stopped babbling, ending it off with a loud "horrah", it was now time to warm up, and my hands would not stop shaking. As we walked in two lines, with me leading it of course, out of the locker room, I was quick to search the stands for a certain silver eyes brunette. My eyes instantly found hers as she offered me a supporting smile.

Some nerves faded, but as I looked away and onto the field they came back with a vengeance. My head rung, and my head pounded looking at the stands. People were filling into the bleachers. There were at least two hundred people already and we were nowhere near the start of the game.

"You okay Cass?" Jenny questioned from my side, I just looked at her and nodded. I swallowed hard as we began our warm up.

Just as quick as warm up started, it ended and I was standing face to face with Hampton Highs team captain. Mellany Pope. Our eyes locked as she wore a cocky smirk.

"So we meet again Delgado" She smirked.

I rolled my eyes, folding my arms over my chest. Ultimately deciding to remain silent.

"Dingos are gonna win it this time though" She said next, trying to get a rise out of me.

I smirked nodding, "You get it Dildos"

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