Chapter 6: May I have this dance?

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Kaylee's POV

It was weird to me when Cassandra failed to show up to our English class, this morning. She had stolen my sister away and from there I hadn't seen her again.

I love that Cassandra and my sister are becoming friends, I always would feel bad for leaving my sister out of things, but now that they're becoming friends, it will result in easier hangouts. It also helps to have someone help keep an eye on her.

Growing more and more concerned for my delinquent looking of a best friend, I raised my hand and asked my teacher to let me go to the bathroom so I could attempt to go find her.

With his permission, I quickly left the class and began wandering the hallways, "Well if it isn't Kaylee Logan." An all too familiar voice caught my attention bringing me to a screeching halt.

Turning on my heels, I faced the girl who broke my best friends heart 3 years ago. "Who let you back here" I snapped.

"I transferred back. I missed my old friends" She said with a smirk. "I guarantee they didn't miss you" I nastily spat back.

"Woah, calm down. No need to be so hostile!" She smirked. I felt my body begin to heat up in anger as I wanted to slam her head into a locker.

"Listen, Kaylee, I made my mistakes, and hurting Sandra was one of the worst things I could have done. I came back to make things better" She said but something about the expression she wore screamed bull shit.

"You leave Cassandra alone, she doesn't need your bullshit. No one does." I snapped. Jordan shrugged pushing off the lockers she had been leaning against.

"What are you going to do about it Princess" Jordan questioned stepping towards me. I shook my head stepping away, not liking the situation I was being put into.

"Just leave her alone" I whispered, before continuing my venture down the hallway to find my best friend, knowing exactly why she wasn't in class.

Freshman year, that girl fucked her up. Jordan sat there feeding Pita's mind with lies, and led her on for months. They dated, but Jordan was seeing someone else behind her back. She was the first girl Cassandra really fell for, and after her, Cassandra changed. She stopped being able to trust people.

My thoughts were interrupted as I pushed my way into the Girls Soccer Locker Room, where I immediately saw Cass sitting against her locker. With her head dipped between her knees.

I sat down next to her and her head rose from its spot. She didn't look sad or upset but fuming mad instead, which was a look Cass rarely wore, but angry Cassandra is scary as fuck and I really don't like when shes angry. She gets punchy, which is the best way I can describe it.

"You don't have to say anything, I already know," I said. I could see her chewing on the inside of her cheek. The next thing I know, her head fell to my shoulder as she burst into tears. Cassandra didn't cry a lot and this was the first time in a while that she had.

I wrapped my arm around her, offering her comfort. It took a lot to get her to this point, and it broke my heart that she was crying. It felt like seeing a puppy who had just gotten drop kicked.

"I don't know why I am crying" She spoke after calming down a bit. Her voice was more hoarse than usual and her cheeks were flush. "I'm not sad" She added followed by silence.

I remained quiet, and just let her think, or rant or do whatever she felt like doing in the safety of the locker room.

"I'm just fucking pissed" She paused. "I want to hurt her, and I will if I have to," She told me as she made eye contact with me. From the look in her eye, I knew she wasn't kidding. I nodded as I turned to look at the clock, a puddle of bright red caught my eye, and prevented me from looking at the clock.

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