Chapter 26: You are far too jolly

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Cassandra's POV

"Fa la la la la, or some shit" I said bouncing over to the lunch table where I saw my girlfriend sitting. I watched as she grinned shaking her head at me. I stood behind her wrapping my arms over her shoulders as she leaned up to meet my waiting lips.

"Hi baby, Merry Christmas season" I practically sang as I leaned on Sabs' shoulders. Her fingers played with mine sweetly. She sat with Seven, Blake and a random Brodie who for some reason has made himself at home at this table.

"You are far too jolly" Seven said rolling her eyes as she nibbled on a carrot like a rabbit.

It was the Friday before Christmas break, aka 5 days before Christmas, the school was decorated and the students were mostly jolly and excited. Usually I aim to skip these days, but since Kaylee isn't talking to me still, I decided to come today. Oh, well and I also had a big test.

"Listen Scrooge, I love Christmas, don't be a downer. Let the asshole be jolly, she's only like this once a year" Brodie said defending me. "Continue being jolly Cassandra" he said as he waved me along.

"Thanks Brodie" I replied as I stuck my tongue out at Seven who smiled shaking her head.

"How's Vero doing?" I questioned, my eyes meeting Blakes.

"She's good, shes with her family today. The funeral is on Monday though, you guys are coming right?" Blake questioned. I smiled looking down at my girlfriend who was zoned out.

"We wouldn't miss it" I replied, speaking for the both of us.

As the rest of the table resumed talking, I looked down at my silent girlfriend, who was pushing her peas around with her fork. I sat down, next to her straddling the bench so I could face her easier.

"You okay babe? You seem quiet" I questioned. She visibly shook back to reality, looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just family stuff I guess" she whispered back.

"Wanna talk about it?" I questioned, and sighed nodding.

"Kaylee and I got letters this morning" She said before pausing, "From our mom" She sighed.

"Saying what?" I questioned allowing my hand to find hers.

"I didn't open it, it didn't seem important" she whispered.

"Do you want to open it?" I questioned barely above a whisper. Her eyes met mine and she just shrugged, clearly very unsure of what she wanted.

"Hey, If you want to open it, I'll be right there with you if you want" I told her and she offered me a sweet smile. I leaned in and kissed her forehead lightly allowing my lips to linger there.

"I love you" she whispered.

"I love you baby" I smiled wrapping my arm around her lower back. She smiling laying her head into the crook of my neck.

"Ew fuck off you fucking lesbians" Brodie teased. I rolled my eyes flipping him the middle finger, laughing. Sabrina shyly hid her face in my shoulder, as I glared at Brodie.

"Sounds like Brodie is jealous" Seven practically sang. Her face showed pure shock as Brodie threw a green bean at her.

"You suck" Seven glared.

"You know it baby" Brodie winked, as Sevens face twisted in disgust. I laughed stealing one of Sabs' smily potatoes.

"Okay, I need new friends" Seven said throwing her hands up.

"Why do you guys even come to school on days like today? It's so boring, there's literally no one here" I questioned as I looked around the cafeteria seeing mostly freshmen.

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