Chapter 12: Get a U-haul already!

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Seven's POV

During the movies the other night, I noticed how close Cassandra and Sabrina had been, and in all honesty, how close they had been getting. It's like Cassandra has been looking at SJ, the same was SJ looks at her.

Sabrina and I were sitting in class, her eyes wouldn't leave her phone and I would hear giggles coming from her, here and there. SJ doesn't text much, so it was easy to guess who she was texting. However, when I would ask she would suddenly get all secretive.

At lunch, Sabrina is too busy staring at Cassandra to hear out conversations. Which is completely normal for SJ, however what wasn't normal was Cassandra staring back. So one can only catch on rather quickly.

Today was Sunday morning, and as Kaylee let me into the Logan household, I was quick to thank her and head up to Sabrina's room.

To my surprise, she was awake watching netflix on her laptop. Considering it was still before noon, I was shocked she was awake.

"Okay spill bitch" I said as I closed her door behind me. She paused her show, sliding her laptop away.

"Spill what?" She questioned, as her cheeks slowly flushed red. I gave her a pointed look as I crossed my arms.

"You know what" I glared as she just sighed, knowing she was caught.

"Theres not much to tell, we just may have kissed.." She said trailing off trying to hide her now dark red cheeks.

"Sabrina Josie!! What the fuck" I quickly exclaimed as I jumped to sit on her bed.

"What?" She questioned, innocence lacing her voice.

"For one, that was your first kiss" I said pausing. "For two, why didn't I find this out sooner?"

"Because, I don't want to jinx things, things are slightly moving for her and I. I don't want to ruin that. Besides we figure not telling anyone right now is the best idea because of Kaylee" She explained and I sighed knowing she was right.

Her sister would not be happy. She may want the best for SJ but not if that meant her best friend dating her sister. Although, Cassandra is way better than anyone at Mountain Vista.

"You could have told me... I mean I've known about everything else" I told her and she shrugged.

"I'm scared Seven. I didn't want to talk about it because it seems too good to be true" SJ admitted as my heart broke slightly.

"Listen, I know it seems hard, but don't be scared to let yourself take this chance, you have been waiting for this girl to look your way for how long now?" I questioned pausing for her to fill the answer in.

"4 years" she muttered under her breath.

"Exactly, 4 years you have waited for her. She wouldn't be giving you the time of day if she didn't see you in a different way" I told her and she remained silent for a second, processing my words.

"But Kaylee" She said and I chuckled.

"Both you and Cassandra have to worry about her, except you can't let her hold you back from being happy with the person you want so badly. She may not like it, but she will get over that when she recognizes how happy she makes you and visa versa" I explained.

Sabrina smiled, nodding. "You're right. I mean who knows what will happen, were kinda just talking right now"

"Next time don't be a bitch and tell me what happens. I didn't listen to four years of you gawking about Cassandra Delgado for you to go silent when you finally have her" I lectured.

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