Chapter 13: I'm going to kill your sister

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Sabrina's POV

It was finally the weekend, which means a few things; parties, sports, and most importantly I'm stuck in the house with Seven, Cassandra and my sister. There was a raging storm outside, heavy winds, loud thunder, and bright flashes of lightning. I loved living in North Carolina, but random storms in the middle of October suck.

Usually we would be going to hang out with Vero and Blake due to it being a Friday night, but because of the storm, we stayed in.

Thunder cracked, making the house shake. I heard laughter coming from my sisters room next door. How could they be laughing. This could be the end of the world.

My phone dinged and with shaky hands, I reached over and grabbed it, "Who's that?" Seven questioned trying to peer over my shoulder. "You nosy bitch, let me read it" I said shoving her aside.

"Ugh its Colton" I mumbled reading what it said.

From Colton Alexander: Hey (;

"Ew why is he texting you?" Seven questioned with a disgusted face. "I don't know" I replied. "I really hate that he won't just leave me alone"

"Yeah, I remember him complaining that you left him at the bonfire." Seven said pausing, "Knowing who you left with, I completely get it" She continued as she threw popcorn into her mouth.

I just glared at her more with an amused chuckle, my phone's vibration took my attention back to my phone, Colton had replied. I groaned lowly, as I read the message.

From Colton Alexander: What's up beautiful?

"Why me?!" I sighed out, "Well he's already tried me, Vero and Blake, so it only makes sense" She said, her full attention was on the tv, as she shrugged taking a sip of her drink. "You're not helping" I glared, all she did was shrug again.

A loud crack of thunder blew out the power, making me yelp slightly, "Dammit, it was just getting to the good part!!" Seven exclaimed throwing her hands up. "Seven not the time!" I yelled through the pitch black.

I had thought us to be doomed, that we wouldn't make it out alive. But the door swung open to reveal my sister and her best friend, the girl I am head over heels for.

"SJ you okay?" Kaylee quickly questioned, rushing to my side as she passed the flashlight off to Cassandra. Sitting down next to me, she wrapped her arm around me and held me close comforting me from the storm.

I dug my face into my sisters warm embrace. She knew of my deep hatred for storms, she always comforted me, no matter what. If she weren't home, she would do her best to get home, if she couldn't, she would facetime me.

I glanced around the room and saw an unconcerned Seven sitting on her phone, Cassandra was there sitting behind Kaylee with a concerned look on her face. She's been here for many of my reactions to storms, but everytime, I always see her with a concerned face, but this time was different. Her expression this time made it seem like it killed her to not help.

Her sad eyes met mine, and it took everything in me to not push my sister away and jump into her best friends arms.

"Pita can you please go turn the breaker off then on to see if the power comes back?!" Kaylee said and I silently thanked her, "Yeah, of course. I'll grab some more flashlights if not" Cassandra said, her voice helped my anxieties slightly fade away.

My sisters whispers in my ear was soothing. The door swung open, and Cassandra's voice entered the room again, making my shaking slow to a stop. "The power didn't work, but I got more flashlights"

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