Chapter 27: You don't have to ruin my fun like that

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Cassandra's POV

"Cass, I'm pregnant"

The words hit me like a freight train. They bobbled around inside my head, with an echo.

"You're what?" I whispered.

Her arms folded over her stomach insecurely as she looked at the ground.

"I'm pregnant Cassandra" She said a bit louder this time, making direct eye contact with me.

I remained quiet for a minute, processing her words. My best friend is pregnant, my girlfriends sister is pregnant. Kaylee is pregnant. Words that didn't seem true.

"How far along are you" I questioned.

"Roughly 3 1/2 months" she said, her voice wavering. I quickly pulled her into a hug as she completely broke down into tears. I held her tightly as she wept. My heart ached. I hated seeing my best friend hurting, and upset.

"But you have only been with Prescott for like 3 months?" I questioned. She shook her head pulling out of the hug and wiping her tears away.

"We had been hooking up here and there before our first date." she said, and I remained quiet. "You remember that day you told me to go out with him?" She asked with a chuckle making me nod.

"We had already been hooking up for a couple weeks"

"Why didn't you tell me about you two!" I said and quickly wanted to retract my words with the hard glare she gave me.

"You have no room to be asking that question Ms. I am dating little Logan" Kaylee snakily responded.

I side eyed her with a smirk, "Touché"

Silence grew between us as she dug her toe into the ground, as I just watched her, sadness filling my heart. My best friend needed me and we were too busy feuding.

"Look I'm sorry" We both said simultaneously, before breaking out into a fit of laughter.

"You first" She whispered.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about me and Sabrina, it was selfish of me to not consider how that would make you feel. But I want you to know Kaylee, i'm never ever going to hurt her. She's too special" I told her as she smiled slightly.

"I know you won't. You're the good i've always wanted her to find. I know you will treat her the way she deserves" Kaylee smiled, "It will take me a minute to get used to though" she added.

"As long as I get my best friend back" I told her and she nodded smiling. "Now what were you going to say?"

"Oh yeah, i'm sorry for over reacting, I couldn't really help it. I have been so emotional and hormonal lately, I just let this go too far" she whispered, "I've missed my best friend."

"Now knowing why you reacted how you did, I feel bad for not knowing" I told her as she shook her head.

"I didn't even know, I only found out a week or two ago. Our fight made me feel like something was off, I cried a lot, and I don't cry"

"Do you know the gender yet?" I questioned as Kaylee shook her head.

"No, I don't find out till the 28th" she told me.

"What are you going to do?" I wondered.

"Well the baby is due in July, and Prescott and I are gonna keep it. We're gonna raise the baby together in California while we're in school" she said shyly looking to her feet.

"How do you feel?" I asked next, worried for my best friend.

"Cass, I'm petrified" she told me as her voice wavered.

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