Chapter 16: That is not what you told me last night!

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Hey guys! Just a heads up on this chapter, some not so nice things are said sooo if homophobic slurs make you uncomfortable and you don't wanna read them please skip where the '^^' start! Enjoy❤️

Blake's POV

I sat at the table stuffing my face with my girlfriends french fries as me, Seven and Vero all listened to Sabrina drone on and on about her new found relationship.

Don't get us wrong, we're ecstatic for our friend, however she hasn't shut up about it for the past 3 days. And on top of it, were not even allowed to talk about it because they're keeping it secret from Kaylee.

Which makes sense, but I don't think Kaylee is as oblivious as they think. But then again, I did witness that cheerleader walk into a closed door. So who knows with her. Maybe she really won't catch on.

"BLAKE!" Vero yelled smacking my hand away as I tried to subconsciously reach for another fry. I snapped out of my day dream looking around to each one of my friends.

"Yes babe?" I questioned innocently subtly sliding my hand back to her tray, only for it to get smacked again. "Ouch" I pouted as I held my hand to my check rubbing the red mark on the back.

"Stop taking my fries!" Vero huffed as I rolled my eyes.

"But Betty actually made these ones good!"

Vero rolled her eyes before sliding her tray in front of me gaining me the rest of her fries. "YES!" I exclaimed kissing her cheek, "you are the best"

"Suck up" Seven said through a cough.

"At least were not single!" I retaliated with a smirk, earning a glare from girl who just dyed part of her normally black hair, green.

"Listen!" She hollered at me playfully.

"Listening" I smirked, resting my chin in my palm.

"I can date anyone I want to, I just don't want to" she said and I shook my head.

"That is not what you told me last night!" SJ added in, as she earned a smack in the arm from Seven who suddenly grew very red in the face.

"Oh Ms. Seven Nirvana... what was this mysterious thing you told SJ? Hmm?" I teased as she glared harder.

"First off, fuck off with my middle name Blake Olivia" Seven said as I rolled my eyes looking at my girlfriend who had nothing less than an amused expression, looking back and forth between me and Seven.

"Second off, I said nothing" She said eating a mini tree from her packed lunch.

"She said, and I quote, 'I want to get railed till I can't see or walk straight'" SJ said smirking as she moved her fork around in her mashed potatoes.

Seven gasped, "I told you that in confidence!"

"No you didn't" SJ scoffed. "You also said that 'You miss being fucked good'" SJ added before looking at me and Vero.

"When I tell you I gagged, I gagged" SJ said making me laugh. "I did not need to hear the things she told me. She's too blunt"

"She! Is right here" Seven huffed. "But I stand by what I said! I need a good fuck" Seven said with a shrug.

"Okay! Would you look at the time!!!" SJ said standing as me, her and Vero simultaneously stood, throwing our trash away and leaving the cafeteria.

"I'm not kidding!" Seven yelled after us.

"Someone needs to get that girl some holy water or something" Vero muttered.

"I think i'm gonna fo find Cassandra, after hearing her horrid words, I need some sanity" SJ said rolling her eyes.

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