Chapter 2: Cause you can't cook!

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Sabrina's POV

Bored, I sat listening to my physics teacher talk on and on. He always found a way to make class feel like death. Seven sat here next to me asleep on the palm of her hand, the monotone of Mr. Marks voice had already put her to sleep.

Trying to nudge her to wake her up, but I failed. "Seven" I seethed. There was no way I was going to suffer through this alone. I hit her again and she finally jolted awake. "What! Can we leave yet?" Seven said yawning, and stretching as if she had just woken up from her deepest sleep ever.

"No you dipshit, we still have an hour" I said, a satisfied smirk present on my face. "Why the fuck did you wake me!!" she said as she laid her face into the crevice of her elbow, which rested on the table.

"Because you're not letting me suffer through this alone" I whisper yelled back to her as the teacher continues to drone on and on about lord knows what.

"Bitch" she mumbled tiredly, with a glare. "Oh get over yourself"

After a long grueling hour of his boring lecture, Seven and I found ourselves leaning against the wall outside our classroom. "How can his voice be so, so dull?!" Seven explained.

I chuckled, shrugging. "I dunno kid" I replied glancing down the hallway. "Wonder where Blake and Vero are? I haven't seen them today" I questioned as Seven shrugged, "I think V is home sick?" Seven said in reply. "Poor V. Hope she's okay!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know! I do too!" Seven replied.

"Oh look! SJ! There's your girl" Seven said as she hit me in the shoulder. "Seven! She's not my-" I said as my words trailed off as my eyes come to meet the beautiful girl down the hallway.

She leaned against the locker walls, laughing at something my sister had said. I sighed watching her, man what I would do to be with her. To be the one making her laugh.

"If you would just man up!" Seven implied, "Shut up Seven" I grumbled looking at my feet. Seconds later, I felt a presence other than Sevens next to me. Looking up, I met eyes with the biggest player in school. Colton James.

"Hey you! I've been looking everywhere for you!" He said with a large goofy smile plastered on your face. "Why?" I questioned. "Well, I wanted to know if I could get your number, you know... for study help" He said, in a way that I assumed was his version at being charming.

"Uh sure" I softly replied as I put my number in his outreached phone. "Thanks, i'll text you tonight" He smirked clicking his tongue.

"Seven" He sneered. "Get out of here Colon" Seven replied making me laugh. He sighed. "Its Colton. With a T" He replied. "Yeah, I don't care" She replied and he grumbled stalking away.

Seven laughed aloud before looking at me, "Looks like you're Colton James' next victim" She said laughing again. "Fuck, no! I don't want to be! Why me?!" I replied smacking the palm of my hand to my forehead.

"Because he's already tried me, Blake and Vero! It's your turn now honey" Seven replied sounding too victorious. "Butttt" she started, dragging out the T. "There is one way to get him off your back" She added, her smirk growing with each passing second.

"How?! I'll literally do anything!" I said, in a pleading tone. "Talk to Cassandra" She finally said. "But that! I should have been more clear. Anything but that!" I replied, "One day, I will say, I told you so" Seven said and I rolled my eyes. "Sure you will"

"I know it"

The day passed by like a blur after that. Here I was waiting for my sister to finish up her cheer practice. So I sat in the bleachers, watching. But to my luck, Kaylee's cheer practice happened to be at the same time as the girls varsity soccer team. So I was able to watch Cassandra practice while I waited for my sister. It's a win win.

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