Chapter 23: Why are you climbing into my house?

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Hey guys, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that a lot of this chapter is a bit heavy and intense. So caution when reading peoples!


Cassandra's POV

I sat on the bed in my orthopedics office, today was the day I would finally see if I could get rid of my crutches. We were hoping for good news here, unfortunately my knee still hurts rather bad, but not as bad as when I first hurt it.

I had just gotten x-rays done, and now I was just waiting for him to come in and address me with good news. I was ready to be done with the immobilizer, which was laying off to the side.

"Good morning Ms. Delgado!" Dr. Yorkes said, as he closed the door behind him and his assistant. He laid my file on the counter next to his computer before coming over to me.

"How's it feeling?" He questioned as he began moving my knee and leg around to test the ligament strength, which actually hurt pretty bad.

"Better than last time, but still painful" I said pausing as he moved it in a way that really hurt. I gripped the padded table flinching at the pain. "Except when you do that!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled before rolling over to the computer, examining my x-rays.

"Well it is healing nicely, still got a bit to go within the healing process, so I will be moving you from the immobilizer to a brace" He said rolling back to me.

"It will allow you to walk, so you will not need crutches. However, if it begins to get inflamed again or hurt more, you will need to go back onto the crutches" he told me, and I nodded, too excited to get rid of the immobilizer.

He said somethings to his assistant who nodded and left the room, only to return minutes later with a large box in hand.

"So this is considered a hinged immobilizer, don't get scared when you hear immobilizer as you will still be able to walk. This brace is just to help with the ligament damage your dislocation caused." He said as he removed the long black brace out of the box. I nodded, just excited to walk again.

He helped me put it on by showing me how to do it, which was self explanatory due to the fact that the straps were numbered.

As he finished putting it on, he looked at me to speak again. "So you will have another appointment in a couple weeks, so I am going to lock the range of motion on it for now and then next time we will give you more range to move" He told me and I nodded.

"Also, you have been doing physical therapy through your athletic trainers right?" He questioned and I nodded.

"Keep that up, and I will see you next time" He said extending his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and as he walked out, I stood off the table putting weight on my leg for the first time in a month. It felt weird, and hurt a bit but being able to walk again was beautiful.

I grabbed my crutches, and other immobilizer as I left the room, before talking to the secretary to set up my next appointment.

I got to my car and threw my no longer needed crutches and other immobilizer into the back and started up my car to head home.

I wanted to go see my girlfriend, but she was at school on this beautiful December morning. I looked at the clock and saw it to be 10:50, so I reached over and grabbed my phone to text her. heyy baby! Done with my appointment, i'm stopping to get food before coming to school, do you want something?

After replying that she wanted a smoothie, I was on my way to Smoothie King. After getting a smoothie, for me, my girl and Kaylee, I was unfortunately back to school.

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