Chapter 10: You should have come with me!

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Sabrina's POV

My head pounded as I leaned against my locker at school, my eyes were screwed shut as I felt the chill metal press against my back. Vero and Blake stood with me as they talked my ear off about their weekend trip to the beach. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing the glow in their eyes as they talk about their fun trip. But, the nagging headache I have had all morning, was making me absolutely miserable.

Tuesday's sucked, simply put. My father was home this morning, and I woke up to him and my sister in an argument. Thus making my headache begin, and here we are now after lunch and it hasn't eased up in the slightest.

"SABRINA" a loud shrilling voice screamed from down the hallway, a voice thats could only belong to Seven.

I turned my head slightly and just glared at the poor girl. "Damn, you look awful." Seven said as she made it to us. I glared at her again as she chuckled and looked at Blake and Vero, who were standing awfully close to one another. I furrowed my eyebrows before shrugging it off.

"Whats up guys" Seven questioned as my eyes closed again, the bright lights from above causing even more pain.

I ultimately zoned out from listening to the 3 of them talk. Keeping my eyes closed, I felt eyes on me from a distance, I slightly opened them to see my sister looking at me concerned. She was on a B-Line towards me, Cassandra trailing behind her.

I slightly smiled at seeing the girl I spent the weekend with. "You alright Squirt?" My sister questioned, and I shook my head, closing my eyes again.

"Migraine?" she questioned and I nodded. "I have some medicine in the car, i'll go grab it" Kaylee said as she turned and walked off, leaving Cassandra still standing there. I looked at her as she shook her head at me.

"You're definitely hungover" She said in a teasing tone as she stuck her tongue out between her teeth. I glared at her before chuckling.

"Damn, how'd you know" I replied rolling my eyes at her, ignoring the looks I was receiving from my friends.

"I have an eye for it" She shrugged.

"I blame you" I replied. Im not really hungover, and she knows that, she just enjoys being an ass. A cute ass, but an ass none the less.

"Me? I take offense to that" She replied feigning hurt. I smiled as I watched her run her fingers through her hair. Even though my headache was still there, for a second I forgot about it.

"Of course you do! I expect nothing less from you" I smirked, Cassandra smiled as she rolled her eyes.

"Rawr" she replied, using her hand to imitate claws. "But no, are you okay?" She questioned, her smile dropping as her face showed nothing but utter concern.

I looked at her and just smiled. I nodded slightly trying to avoid too much movement. "I get bad migraines here and there. No worries!" I told her and she nodded, tucking her loose hair behind her ear.

"Well here," She said pulling her blue backpack around and pulling her water bottle from its pouch. She handed it towards me, and as I took it from her my fingers ghosted over hers making my skin burn, but in a good way.

"Thanks Cass" I smiled gripping the maroon stainless steel bottle in my hands. My eyes never left hers as she just nodded.

My sister finally rejoined us, after her long adventure to her car. "Here SJ, hope it helps" Kaylee said as she passed me the opened medicine.

I smiled dumping two into my hand, before tossing them into my mouth, as I also took a sip of the water I was holding.

Seconds later the bell echoed throughout the halls, "Lets go Cass, we have history" Kaylee groaned as she grabbed her best friends arm and pulled her off. "Later Sabrina!" Kaylee hollered out.

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