Chapter 32: Do you trust me?

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Sabrina's POV

I had been anxiously bouncing around the house for a while now, it was around 2, and I was overly excited for my date.

It was technically our first date, even though we have gone out together we haven't really had a real date, like a real outing such as what we plan for tonight. It was easiest said that my nerves were through the roof.

Seven had left a little bit ago after receiving a mysterious phone call that left her a blushing mess. In typical Seven fashion, she evaded all my questions before stumbling out of my house with a pair of sunglasses she had stolen from my father. 

Too anxious to continue sitting down, I decided on getting ready. As I went into my dresser, I saw a note sitting on top of a plastic bag. I picked it up and laid it on my bed as I grabbed the note to read it, almost instantly recognizing Cassandra's handwriting, slightly sloppy, fancy letters, squished together, looking like she wrote it in italics.

Hey beautiful, you're sleeping soundly but I'm already planning our date tonight, and it starts with this outfit. I know you were struggling a little bit with what to wear, so I figured I think you will look absolutely beautiful.

I'll be by soon to pick you up sweetheart, I love you lots.

See you soon baby

~ Cassandra

My heart flutters reading her scribe. I have always thought love notes was a thing of a past. From being with Cass, I have grown to just absolutely adore them. I tucked it away before opening the bag to look at what she put aside.

The outfit was simple, ripped blue jeans, a white crop top, and a red/black flannel. Pulling the outfit on, I got even more excited and nervous to go out with Cassandra. She still makes me feel all sorts of butterflies the same as I always had. I don't think I will ever not get butterflies when it comes to her.

What I was supposed to do while patiently waiting for Cassandra, I had no clue. I settled for watching random videos on my phone. However, time still moved by agonizingly slow.

As the time rounded 3 o'clock, I had been hanging upside down from my bed, blowing hair from my face. The sound of the door bell practically made me fall to the floor.

As I ran around my room grabbing everything I needed, there was a knock on my bedroom door. I opened it to see Cass, standing holding flowers already in a vase.

"Hi, I brought you flowers" she said as she extended the glass vase in my direction. I took them with a smile as I smelled the beautiful scent they let off.

"Thank you" I smiled as I placed them on my dresser before falling into her arms, anxious for a hug. I shouldn't have missed her this much.

"I missed you" I whispered.

"I missed you" she said as she kissed my head. "You ready to go?"

"Very!" I exclaimed as we pulled out of the embrace.

"Well lets go my love" She said as her hand slipped I to mine. We left the house and she led me to her motorcycle which sat parked nicely in my driveway. She handed me the extra helmet, which I am pretty sure she has designated as my helmet.

After helping me on she climbed on in front of me before turning her bike on and allowing it to rev to life. I tightly wrapped my arms around her hugging myself closely.

I may have been for many rides on this bike but it still scares me quite a bit. Although, Cassandra does drive extra cautious with me on it. Especially in comparison to before we started dating, when i'd be riding with Kaylee and Cassandra would be zipping in and out of traffic like a maniac.

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