Chapter 14: Before whispering my name

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Kaylee's POV

I sighed scrolling through my Instagram feed. Cassandra sat next to me, writing an essay for one of her classes. Shocking, I know right.

"Why the sigh, my guy" she said chuckling to herself at the rhyme she has just made.

"Michaela just posted a 4 year pictures with her boyfriend. Apparently he proposed to her." I said as I turned my phone to show her.

"'Bout time, I mean, they only have a kid together" Cass joked.

Michaela was the infamous girl who got pregnant our freshman year. The only kicker is; that she did it on purpose.

I sighed turning my phone back. "I'm tired of being single dude, who the hell am I supposed to go to prom with? I'm not going with you again" I said as I watched her scoff.

Cassandra chuckled, "I take offense to that" she said glaring at me. Cass and I went to Junior prom together because we were both freshly single, and I has just gotten out of a bad relationship. So, in true Cass fashion she did a big Promposal with a collage of all the ugly pictures she had of me. She will tell you I loved it. I loved the sentiment, but I didn't like the collage, shes an ass.

"I mean, what about that boy on the hockey team? Um, Prescott Sierra, I think?" Cassandra said and my cheeks instantly flushed.

Prescott and I have known each other since kindergarten. He used to pull my hair at recess and push me around. We hated each other. Constantly picked on one another. He then moved before 6th grade and I didn't see him again until sophomore year. We quickly became close friends after his return.

"You know his and I's history Pita" I said pausing, "Besides, him and I are just friends" I told her with a shrug looking back at my phone.

I felt her eyes shift to me, making me look up at her. She sat there just glaring at me. "What?" I exclaimed.

"Just man up, and acknowledge you like him! Its obvious!"

"Well what about you?! Its obvious you like someone! Who is it hmm?" I pressed. She swallowed hard and I watched her cheeks turn red.

"No one, nevermind. Be single then" She huffed. I side eyed her curiously.

"Who is it?" I pressed more.

She glared at me again, "No one Kay, drop it" Cass said as I nodded rolling my eyes. "Besides, Brodie told me Prescott was gonna ask you out" She told me.

I looked at her dumb founded, even though she had looked back to her laptop. I looked away from her, and continued looking at Michaela's pictures. I couldn't help but wonder if she was serious.

But I also couldn't help but wonder who she liked. Cassandra was very selective about who she showed interest in. Many girls... and guys... for that matter crawl and beg for her. But she gives none of them the time a day. She's always talked about, waiting till college to date. Especially after Jordan.

I watched Cassandra sigh before looking at me. "You're still thinking about it" she stated and I nodded.

"Of course I am. You haven't shown interest in anyone since Jordan. Who is it? Do I know them" I questioned, she just shook her head and ignored me looking back at her homework.

I huffed folding my arms over my chest. "If I didn't know any better, I would assume you like my sister with how much you're ignoring me" I told her as her eyes snapped back to me. "But you would never like my sister like that. You wouldn't do that to me" I said and she shrugged a bit looking back at her computer.

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