Chapter 29: Oh you're gonna get it!

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Cassandra's POV

My alarm went off early, way too early. 3 am to be exact. But I was too excited to sleep anyways. I had already been up and moving around for a bit getting ready for us to leave.

As I stretched my back, my sleeping girlfriend cuddled more into the sheets of her bed. I smiled as I slid into the bed next to her, propping myself up on my hand as I used my free hand to run the knuckle of my finger over her exposed arm softly.

I leaned over and pressed light kisses along her exposed shoulder, and just watched her for a second. She wasn't a big fan of being woken up, but she knew it was going to be an early morning.

"Baby" I whispered as I kissed her shoulder again.

She hummed cuddling further into her blankets.

I smiled as I watched goosebumps rise on her skin.

"Baby!" I exclaimed a bit louder as I shook her slightly. She turned around and this time cuddled into me. She warm cheeks pressed against my neck as she subconsciously pressed light kisses against my neck.

"Sabs, you gotta wake up baby" I whispered and she shook her head tiredly.

"Too early" she mumbled as I chuckled.

"Don't you want to go to the beach?" I questioned as I felt her eyelashes open and close, signaling her beginning to wake up.

"I do" she mumbled.

"Well you gotta get up then my love, the jeep is already packed and ready to go" I told her and she groaned as she slowly sat up. For this trip we were borrowing her father's jeep, we were going to take my bike, but we figured the jeep would be better so that we could put the top down if wanted and put it back up if needed.

I just laid back watching her look straight out of the walking dead, her hair was a mess, and she had dried drool running down her chin. But man did she look so freaking beautiful.

"Baby i'm tired" she said lowly as I shook from my trance and stood up. I looked at her and couldn't help but smile at how groggy she looked.

"I know my love, if you want to, you can sleep in the car?" I offered as I stood at the edge of the bed, as she leaned into me. I kissed the top of her head as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Okay" she mumbled. "Let me just get ready" she mumbled and I nodded, helping her stand up.

She trudged into the bathroom and minutes later re-emerged looking a bit more awake, just with her hair brushed, and teeth brushed.

"Good morning by the way" she mumbled as she pressed a tired lazy kiss to my lips. I couldn't help but just chuckle at her.

"Let's go" she mumbled as she took hold of my hand and pulled me out. Well she thought she did, I still remained sitting on her bed.

"Uh babe" I quietly yelled, "You grabbed Ramses not me" I called out.

"I meant to do that" she said coming back into the room and she actually grabbed my hand pulling me up. "Now I got what I meant to grab"

I laughed as we exited her room and quietly tip toed around the house grabbing a few last minute things before making our way to the black jeep.

I got into the drivers seat as Sabrina climbed into the passengers. It was going to be a beautiful day so eventually we would put the soft top down, but for now we decided on leaving it up.

I looked at Sabs and chuckled when I saw her already wrapped up in her blanket with Ramses clutched close. To say she looked adorable would be an understatement.

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