Chapter 24: Shut up Seven!

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Sabrina's POV

"I love you"

My heart pounded against my chest as the words rung through the air, lingering around the both of us. I could hear Cassandra's heart beat, just as loud as mine, although mine maybe slightly louder.

The three words that scare everybody, that bring good feelings, yet also heartbreak. But not always. Love. Something I feel just by the looks Cassandra gives me, or how she does anything for me.

Cassandra is the embodiment of love, she gives it to everyone whether she knows it or not. She's a beautiful soul really, and i'm thankful I can look at her and call her mine. She radiates love and positivity.

Everything she has told me about her past, makes her stronger, makes her love harder, makes her cherish those in her life.

The silence in the room grew loud. No response had been replied.

"Yo-you don't have to reply- I just couldn't hold it in anymore" was stuttered out, in a worried tone.

I turned around in my girlfriends arms propping myself up. My eyes locked on hers, that were full of worry and fear. I smiled at her, gently taking her face into my hand

"I wanted to say it first" I grinned. "I love you Cassandra"

Her eyes grew wide as her smile grew, before she pulled me into her. My lips instantly meeting hers. This kiss felt different, more passionate, almost like she wanted to prove to me just how much she loves me.

Her hands gripped tightly onto my waist as she rolled us over, so she was above me. She pulled back locking her eyes in on mine.

"I really really do love you Sabrina. I think I have for a while. I'm sorry it took me so long to see it" She told me, making my lips curve even wider.

"What matters is right now, you are here now. I'm just happy to finally be yours" I told her.

"I promise you Sabs, I will never do anything to hurt you. I never ever want to lose you, you make me happier than I have ever been"

"I love you" I grinned pulling her lips back down, an addiction I had quickly acquired. But man did I love this girl. Knowing she loves me back, makes my heart fuller.

She makes my heart happier than anything. The feeling of her love. The way she held me so delicate, and gentle. Her fingers pushed up my shirt slightly leaving my stomach exposed as her fingers ran against my skin.

Goosebumps rose on my skin as her fingers scraped against my skin. Her lips ghosted over mine as she pulled back, offering me a smirk before pressing kisses to my neck, leaving nips here and here.

Her hands snaked up my shirt gently pushing my shirt up with each movement. Her thumb slid over my skin gently before sliding her hand under my bra line.

"Is this okay?" She whispered locking her eyes onto mine, I swallowed hard nodding. "You sure?" she questioned again.

I nodded again, loving the feeling of her hands along my body. She nodded before kissing my neck again.

She brought her lips back to mine kissing me sweetly and gently. She removed her hand before pulling back to look at me.

"As much as I want to baby, I want to wait. I want us to take our time. I love you, and want to be with you in that way, but I want our first time, and more specifically your first time to be special. I got robbed of a special first time, and I don't want that for you Sabs. I want to make it special" She said shyly.

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