Chapter 7: You lost your chance.

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Cassandra's POV

My hands trembled as I read and reread the text lighting up my screen. It couldn't be possible. My breathing staggered, as I had begun to panic. Your father is out of prison. My mothers words hit deep, making my breath run cold.

How could he already be out? How was it possible? Would he come for me and my mom? Surely not, he doesn't know where we are. But what if he does?

"Pita, you okay?" Kaylee questioned, noticing my change in demeanor.

"Uh.. yeah! I'm fine" I quickly said, looking between each of the sisters as I locked and slid my phone away. I wanted to pretend like that text I had received wasn't real... and that it was a dream. Unfortunately I knew this day would come.

"Bull shit" Kaylee said pausing the movie and turning to me. I don't know why I was so nervous to tell her, she knew about the history with my dad. She knew everything, but Sabs didn't.

I sighed deeply, "My dad has been released from prison" I told her and Kaylee sighed, her hand finding its way to mine to hold in a comforting fashion.

"How?! I thought he had 20 years on him!" Kaylee exclaimed and I shrugged.

"I guess he got out early" I sighed, pausing. "But I don't want to talk about it. Please hit play" I said and Kaylee nodded removing her hand from mine.

She hit play and I laid my head back against the back of the sofa. I glanced at Sabrina who had her eyebrows knitted together, her eyes locked on the screen. I knew she was confused, but I couldn't tell her. Not yet. One day i'll tell her but i'm not going to worry about it today.

Ignoring the text from my mother, I smiled I knew I was safe. He was still in England, nowhere near here. There was no way he knew where we ended up either.

I thought back to the dance, more specifically my thoughts kept going to the dance I shared with Sabrina. Something about it just felt right, like that was exactly where I was supposed to be.

Maybe it was that I brought comfort to my best friends sister. Who knows what it could have been, I just can't ignore the feeling in my stomach when I think about it. Its a feeling that I cannot pinpoint what it is. Its one I liked though.

I closed my eyes in content, and the next thing I feel is Sabrinas head lay against my shoulder. I open my eye and look at the sleeping girl. I smile closing my eyes again, allowing myself to drift asleep.

Sabrina's POV

I laid in bed Saturday night after homecoming, my head was still spinning, and everytime I thought about it, my heart would beat uncontrollably.

Going to homecoming with Colton and being left hanging because I wouldn't put out, turned out for the best, despite how badly it hurt.


There Colton and I were, it the crowd of dancing high schoolers, I had seen Seven, Blake and Vero briefly before Seven got pulled away by her date, and Blake and Vero had disappeared.

As we danced to We Found Love, by Rihanna and with every passing second he kept trying to pull me closer, his hands glued themselves to my hips and no matter how hard I tried to shake them off, it never worked.

He pulled me close to whisper in my ear, "What about we get out of here and find an empty classroom?" He questioned smirking. Disgusted I quickly pushed him off.

"i'm not sleeping with you"  I quickly said, glaring at the boy.

"Oh come on, live a little! I didn't bring you to this dumb dance for nothing!" He exclaimed. I stood my ground, I wasn't ever going to sleep with him.

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