Chapter 5: What? Didn't you miss me?

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Sabrina's POV

Waking up this morning, it didn't take long to recognise it was a gloomy rainy day. It was darker in my room and no sunlight was coming through. I attempted to roll over and resume sleeping, but a presence made me crack eye open.

Seven laid there grinning at me. I shot up as my breathing staggered, as my soul just tried to leave my body. "When the fuck did you get there?" I yelled.

"Uh, 2 hours ago?" She said with in a questioning tone, "Now wake up, i'm bored" Seven whined sitting up in my bed.

"But its Saturday " I groaned flopping backwards onto my pillow, closing my eyes trying to let myself drift back to sleep. What I didn't see coming was getting smacked in the face with a pillow.

"No. Get up! Cassandra's here" Seven practically sang. I cracked an eye open, peeking at my smirking best friend who was wiggling her eyebrows.

"I know she is, shes here more than Kaylee is" I said closing my eye again. With a huff, I felt the bed shift and heard Sevens footsteps out of my room. I sighed in content pulling my blankets up and cuddling into them.

What felt like seconds, later. I felt a body crashing onto mine. "God dammit Seven!" I exclaimed as my eyes shot open. But who I saw straddling my hips, just about made me die. Cassandra.

"I can assure you, I am not Seven" She said, her face wearing a smirk. Seconds following that, Cassandra's body was tackled into the emptiness of my bed. My sister and her best friends laughter filled the room.

I was met with my sisters green eyes, "Wake up Squirt, your friend is bored" Kaylee said and I rolled my eyes.

"Can't you guys entertain her?" I groaned. Cassandra laughed shaking her head. "Nope, but we can all do something together?" Kaylee told me. I acted like i was deep in thought for a second, but not really cause I was over the moon about that offer from my sister.

"Can we watch movies?" Cassandra questioned sweetly, I would do anything for her if she asked in that tone of voice.

"Yeah, but you're not invited" Kaylee replied, Cassandra rolled her eyes. "They would rather me there than you" Cassandra snapped with a smirk.

"Not true!" Kaylee quickly replied. So true.

"Squirt loves me, i'm her favorite sister" Kaylee said pulling me into an awkward hug. "Uh huh sure Kay" I replied.

She pushed me away feigning hurt, "Where's Seven?" I questioned looking around the room. "She was right behind me after she came and got us... Haven't seen her since!" Cassandra replied.

"We should probably find her, shes good at finding trouble" I said making the two older girls laugh. Kaylee was the first up and out of my room.

Cassandra stood, and looked at me. "She couldn't have gotten into that much trouble!" She said and I chuckled, "You would be surprised" I reported as I followed quickly after my sister.

Going down the stairs, we found Seven sitting on the couch, with a mountain of snacks surrounding her. "Took y'all long enough" She mumbled through the 10 hot Cheetos she was shoving into her mouth.

My face scrunched up in disgust as I looked at my best friend. "Well come on, lets watch something!" Seven said as she waved for us to sit down. "I was thinking IT" She said, looking at me, a smirk present on her face.

"Yeah! Lets watch that! I have yet to see the new one anyways!" My sister spoke, flopping down on the couch beside Seven.

"No! No! Not happening!" I exclaimed, my head shaking vigorously. "You both know I hate clowns!" I said pausing, "And scary movies!" I added pointing towards Seven and Kaylee who both wore smirks.

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