Chapter Twenty Seven

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I never would have said I was a pushover type of person. I tend to not always voice how I feel, or at least when I do it comes out with a lot more anger than I truly feel.

Until I met Alex. He forced me to be honest, and he made me into somebody who felt it easier to comply than defy. Usually.

I like to think of it as human error, the occasion where I completely lost the run of myself and defied him on a level neither of us ever expected.

It began with me and Alex being awkward and tense after Jamie accidentally crashed in my room that night. The thing is, it was an accident. I can appreciate he shouldn't have been there and I purposely didn't tell Alex he was in the house, in Alex's house more to the point.

But after back to back weeks of not getting along, I was over it. He had refused to let me go to a Halloween party, refused to let me hang out with Jamie at all, refused to allow Ella come over and hang out with me and I had reached my limit of working with someone who only wanted to work against me.

I had started learning to drive, with the promise of getting a car for my 17th birthday. So you can guess where this is going. The fact that I have a boyfriend who drives proved to be an issue for me when explaining myself later. Mostly because it made it perfectly clear that I did it to do it, and for no other reason.

So the day began with a screaming match between Alex and I when it had been 3 weeks to the day since the incident with the impromptu sleepover had occurred, Alex still refused to let me go and see Jamie.

What Alex didn't know was that Jamie was home alone, he only lived a 10 minute drive from me, so I took Alex's keys and his Audi to Jamie's house.

After three weeks of only hanging in school, I expected a much more warm welcome from Jamie. Especially since he hadn't gotten to meet this Jaida yet. For weeks he had wanted to hear stories from my foster days, specifically me being a little shit that made multiple peoples lives hell on my conquests to break every rule ever put in front of me.

Turns out hearing about it is all he wanted, as he was super pissed I had stolen Alex's car and drove to his house. I know his intentions for getting me to go back home we're good. The longer I pissed Alex off, the longer he'd be a hard ass.

However, I had Alex to lecture me I didn't need Jamie to try it too, so I left there. So I picked Ella up and we drove back to the city. She was completely unwilling in all ways that day, including unwilling to leave me alone so I did grow to feel bad for dragging her into my mess.

Especially when I decided to smoke a couple joints before driving back. The fact I was driving my dads car kinda deterred me from realizing I was joyriding his car.

Being pulled in cops started to sober me up to the reality of this situation, and I was suddenly very glad we were almost through with the adoption process.
Because my social worker was gonna love this.

Ending up in cuffs and being brought to a cop station was a new low for me. Not because it had never happened before, but because it wasn't supposed to happen again. I was supposed to be changing, and getting better.

The fact that the cops did a saliva test was pointless, I still had the pot in the car. But it definitely meant I was more fucked than I was before.

And Ella. Luckily hadn't smoked pot, and wasn't driving the car. Unfortunately it wasn't an incident that would work in her favour. And it was all my fault.

As she sat next to me in the cop station she wasted no time telling me as much. "What the fuck happened so bad that you had fuck my whole life up?" She hissed at me, and I rolled my eyes.

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