Chapter Four

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The next morning, light flooding in the windows and the sound of waves crashing against the rocks woke me up.

I figured it was pretty early, but I had no way of knowing since Alex took my phone. Which would be a regular occurrence since he planned to have my phone at night regardless of how I behaved.

Knowing myself as well as I did, I figured he'd probably have my phone most of the time.
Despite not knowing the time, I felt extremely well rested and decided to just bite the bullet and get up.

Figuring it would save me an argument when Alex tried to wake me up again later. I was never a great morning person, to be fair.
After using the bathroom, being way too excited about having my own bathroom I decided to go figure out the washing machine situation. In group homes, you gotta just do your own washing if you want it done. And most of the little clothes I own, were not cleaned given the circumstances I put myself in before landing here.

Having slept good, I felt a lot more agreeable that day then the one before it. And I'd need to be, if Alex' warnings were anything to go by. Hence, the spotless room I left behind as my made my way downstairs to sort out my laundry.

To my surprise, I found Alex at the island, nursing a cup of coffee. He was freshly showered, hair still damp, and shirtless. In fact, all he wore was a pair of Calvin Klein swim shorts.
He looked up from his phone, briefly looking surprised to see me, then flashed me a wide smile.
"Look who's up bright and early, I was just about to come wake you," He tells me, sounding very perky. I guess he's a morning person. Great!

I smile back at him, not able to block out his enthusiasm. "I slept pretty good, what time is it?" I ask him, leaning against the doorframe.
He checks his Apple Watch, before looking back to me and moving for the pot of coffee. "It's 7.45am." He murmurs. "Would you like some coffee, decaf only for you." He asks with his back to me, so I get my eye roll out of the way when he's not looking.
"No thanks, I'm not much a hot drink fan." I admit. "So I was hoping to do some laundry, I couldn't really wash anything since the socials blew a fuse and isolated me for days." I tell him, scowling at the memory, those group homes are literally unacceptable I don't know what else they expect from us.

Alex shakes his head in disapproval. "Well I am glad to hear the foster care system takes 15 year olds with possession of drugs seriously." He scolds, lightly, while directing me to the laundry room. He takes my clothes, and shows me how to use the machine, informing me I'll be in charge of my own laundry in future. It's always been my own responsibility, so it's a non-issue. Plus I don't want some guy I barely know in my dirty laundry, and I don't even mean that rudely.

After that he led me back to the kitchen, putting a gross looking green smoothie down in front of me. I grimace but say nothing, watching him drink his own. Yuck.

He points to the shake. "Get that into you, only way to start the day," I pick it up and sniff it, and it smells gross and well, green. "Then get changed, gym gear, if you don't have any I have plenty. All the companies send me a bunch of stuff because of the whole owner/founder/CEO of my very own gym franchise." He winks. Wow, I think to myself, he's extremely happy today.

I take a small sip, and thankfully, it's not as gross as I had imagined. So to keep matters simple, I continue to drink it, knowing I should be getting all the nutrition possible while I still can. "Why exactly am I wearing gym gear?" I question, knowing he won't complain while I'm drinking the spinach shake.

He smiles. "Ellie needs a hike, and so do we. I try to get in a few miles a day but like I told you, Sunday morning hikes is a ritual of mine." I sigh. Why on earth did god think it was funny to send me to some strict, health freak, gym head, morning loving nutcase?
"Wonderful," I begin, taking another gulp before I potentially get myself into trouble. "But I'm not exactly, you know, fit and healthy, nor am I particularly interested in being that way." I tell him, watching his face turn all stern. "Before you get upset, it's not like I've ever had the opportunity to work out, plus it's unlikely I'm going to love everything you love. PLUS I said it nicely!" I rush out, not wanting to hike with a sore ass, not that I'd ever been spanked to know what that really felt like.

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