Chapter One

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Although the walk from the office to the car was awkward, it didn't have a patch on the journey inside the car. Suddenly, I regretted the mess I made of things at the facility, if this intense atmosphere was to be the new norm, I wanted no part in it.

Growing up as I did, it took a lot to rattle me, or throw me off kilter. But this guy was getting under my skin by just staring at the road ahead, not even acknowledging my presence whatsoever. What a rude asshole, I thought to myself. Hoping I appeared as uninterested in him as he did in me.

He had no name, well partly cause I didn't give the social worker a chance to tell me anything more than Mr Fitzgerald. So Fitz was tall, broad shouldered and had dark hair styled in a combover with an undercut. He was no more than 40, if even. He had large though stern hazel eyes and extremely good bone structure. He appeared stern. To put it simply. No nonsense, which didn't make for good reading for me. Or him, to be fair.

Within 10 minutes of my unbearable journey to an undisclosed location, I started to again ponder why/how it was in any way acceptable to send me (a literal 15 year old minor girl) away with a male stranger. Not something I'd like to address with Fitz for two reasons; the first being if he did turn out be a rapist/murderer I don't think asking him would be such a wonderful idea, the second being I lost my nerve. He hadn't uttered a word, or glanced at me at all. How could I just speak to him? It felt as though I should be waiting for permission.

Interrupting my thoughts, Fitz finally broke the silence. "So, are you going to introduce yourself?" He muses, still looking at the road but half smirking. "Or am I to be victim of the same treatment you gave to your poor social worker?"
I scoff. "You don't even know that jerk, he doesn't care about me." I bite back, keeping my tone as even as my attitude will allow.
"Well, be that as it may, you and I are going to have a much different relationship. Meaning I speak, you listen. When I talk to you, I expect you to be courteous and polite. You, of course, can choose to do this the difficult way. But one way or another, you'll be a different child when you next speak to that man." This time he does look at me. A brow raised. The picture of a strict dad. I, however, don't have nor need one.

To keep it simple, I simply stare out the windshield at the road. It became clear, he was planning on changing me and unfortunately he was about 10 years too late.
"This is a prime example, when I speak to you I expect a respectful response." Fitz lectures, and I roll my eyes.
"What do you want me to say yes sir." I scoff. "Whatever man, I don't even know your name. And for the record, I'm not a child." I hiss.
He begins to drum his fingers on the steering wheel, and gives me another smiley glance. "Yes Jaida, that's exactly what I want you to say." He replies without missing a beat. "And you are a child, granted you've not been let simply be a child thus far, but that's all going to change. This will be the most important turning point in your life. I promise." He says in a softer tone. Not soft. But softer.

I sigh deeply. Having been rendered speechless for the first time in my life, all I could do was sigh. I had had a shitty few days, all I wanted was a break. And a break seemed like the last thing I'd be getting from my new foster.  "People like me don't catch breaks, we're destined to be fuck ups. I missed the boat with being adopted, one more fuck up and they can just put me on the street. 16 is the magic number for aging out." I tell him, hoping he can understand and not waste either of our time.
He sighs deeply, too. "I don't intend on sending you back, you're going to learn quickly how tough a person I am." He chuckles, scratching his chin. "You may want to be sent back after a couple of days, depending on how quickly you learn that we're doing this my way, there is no high way option." He says with finality, turning off the high way.

I smile a small smile, letting myself hope things will work out. I know better. But a girl can dream.
We pull into a pretty neighborhood, having drove for about 45 minutes. Meaning I'm starting over again. Nowhere near my old school, the few friends I had. Not that they were anything special, just other fuck ups that ensured I would continue to fuck up. Though I'm very capable of that on my own.

Fitz' house stood at the end of a long drive way, surrounded by perfectly manicured lawns and trees. It was a red brick and looked homely. The sight of the big pretty family looking home rose panic in my chest. Surely he didn't live alone in that big house?
My internal breakdown didn't go unnoticed by my new foster dad, as he reached out and gently put a hand on shoulder after pulling into one of three parking spots, next to an Audi A3. His face looked concerned, as he frowned.
"What's wrong?" He questions, gently rubbing a thumb across my shoulder.
"I-" I stutter, forcing myself to take a deep breath. "Do you have a family?" I finally force out. Swallowing hard.

He chuckles at this. "Oh no, the house! Of course." He shakes his head, smiling. "This is my parents house, they left it to me, I'm an only child." He informs me, and I relax. I'm not a fan of huge groups in general but I'd feel very ganged up on in a family where they're all close knit, from a place like this.
"Nice thing to be left, all I got from mine was abandonment issues and irreparable emotional damage." I joke, unbuckling my seatbelt and letting myself out of the Range Rover.
Fitz gets my bags, still tutting to himself about my inappropriate joke.
"I lived in a condo of sorts, but it wouldn't be big enough or close to the high school so. Here we are." He explains, opening the door.

Once inside, I'm nearly floored by an overly enthusiastic but adorable black and white collie.
"Ellie, baby, stop!" He rebukes the dog, half-heartedly. Probably due the fact that I was as excited by her as she was by me.
"Oh you're a friendly one!" I coo at the doggie, petting her as she melts in me hands.
"Sorry about her, she loves new friends." He laughs, at the sight of me sitting on the floor with his dogs head in my lap.
"Well she's gotta friend in me." I reply, smiling down the dog.
"Come on," He holds out a hand to me. "We've got things to discuss, let's go to the kitchen." He instructs as he pulls me up. Leading me through the long hallway to the kitchen, he's blabbing about how he hikes every Sunday morning hence the choice in dog, bullshit.

Once we're in the kitchen, he points to a stool at the island, tossing a bottle of water to me before sitting across from me.
"Let's discuss rules, Jaida." Fitz says, looking me dead in the eye, with that no nonsense look from earlier in the car. Great!

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