Chapter Nine

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Following my afternoon from hell, I decided to change into jeans. I'd call that my first bad decision of part two to what turned out to be my day from hell.

Alex and I got into the Audi and I immediately found it next to impossible to sit still, my ass literally burning no matter how I attempted to alleviate myself or distribute my weight. After some time, the squirming got to be too much for Alex who I could feel watching me sideways for most of the relatively short journey.
"Sit still, you're behaving like a child!" He hisses, clearly unimpressed with the dramatics.
"It hurts!" I whine, petulantly.

Alex's eyes reach the heavens, and I scoff in response. It'd be a whole different ball game if I had rolled my eyes.

"It mustn't hurt that badly if you still insist on having this bad attitude!" He retorts, taking advantage of the red light we were stuck in to give me the look. "Cut it out, right now. You are one more petty sigh away from another spanking when we get home, regardless to what the doctor says." I cringe at his stern words, how embarrassing.

"I'm sorry." I pout, cutely. Although Alex is fairly cold hearted about punishments, I can sometimes win him over with the puppy eyes.

He turns his eyes back to the road, trying to hide his smile. Gotcha!
I go back to trying to ignore the pain, but luckily just in time as Alex pulls into a fancy looking clinic of sorts. Private healthcare benefits, I guess.

I sigh, undoing my seatbelt but still not feeling like going into the doctor.

"Alex can't you just buy one of those at home tests it'll tell you the same thing..." I trail off, sensing he's giving me the 'are you kidding me?' raised brow look.

"That may be, but I think it's a good idea to have some bloods done regardless." He tells me, nudging my shoulder as he steps out of the car.

I roll my eyes, huffing as I follow suit. Purely motivated by fact I can get a break from sitting on my roasted ass. 

We walk into the doctors office, and the receptionist, a young woman in her 20s with her bleach blonde hair piled on top of her head in an attempted messy bun, looks overjoyed to see Alex.

"Mr Fitzgerald!" She exclaims, coming around the desk to the hallway to the left of her desk. "Come with me, Dr Williams is ready for you both."

I grimace at her blatant flirting. And Alex smirks at me as we follow her down the hallway, clearly happy with himself. Although something tells me he's used to being a hit with the ladies.

The doctors office was what you'd expect. White, sterile and a terrible fucking vibe. And the doctor was young, and luckily female. 

"So, a drug test?" She half smiles, speaking to Alex, so I take that as my cue to check out.

I zoned in on the poster of a uterus on the opposite side of the room by the bed, ignoring they're blabbering.
"Jaida!" Alex says firmly, a few minutes later.
"Hmm?" I shake my head, looking to him then to the little cup the doctors holding in my direction.
"Right." I throw a fake smile at the doctor, ducking out to the toilet. This was a routine I was used to, peeing in a cup. I didn't really care about the outcome of it until this point, but the routine didn't really matter.

I tossed the cup down, and washed my hands, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I went. I looked back, noticing a little bit of weight in my face. My skin looked clearer, and my eyes brighter. Despite the obvious crying eyes from earlier in the day, I looked the best I'd looked in years.

And this motherfucker still thinks I'm on drugs, stupid ass.

I stroll back to the office for one reason, it hit how much he's wasting my time. So I'm more than willing to waste his. Once I'm back inside, I gently sit down, and place the stupid cup on her table.

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