Chapter Thirty Seven

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Finally, after another three days of being sick I was back in school, and getting the distance I needed from the house.

However, after a disastrous lunch break, I needed another week or two out of school to simmer down, and given the current state of affairs, I might just get my wish.

It started with me going into the cafeteria and not finding Ella at our usual table, with the other girls. I waited a few minutes, before realizing she wasn't coming and excusing myself to go and find her.

She had rode to school with me, so I knew she was here, and given she was in class with me up until the the class right before lunch, I couldn't imagine what was keeping her.

I bumped into Jamie as I wandered past the football field, where he had lunch with his jock friends.
"You okay?" He called out to me, and I turned to face him as I passed, walk backwards.

"Have you seen Ella?" He shrugs, shaking his head no and I feel my face contort in confusion. "Well if you see her, can you tell her I'm looking for her?" I ask, but don't stop to wait for his reply as I dial her number for the 10th time, to no avail.

Just as I get to the clubhouse, I hear commotion, and then the sound of Ella screaming.

Without thinking about it, follow the noise, pushing the door open and finding three much older girls literally tossing Ella around. Her hair was disbelieved, her lip was busted and swollen and she looked fucking pathetic.

I scowl to myself, before moving in and grabbing a hold of her and pulling her behind me, turning on her attackers instantly with my famous six feet under glare on my face.

They look like they're about to grab me too for a moment, and I know my face is daring them to. Which is the exact reason the ringleader hesitated, opting to glare right back at me instead.

"Your whore of a friend here has been fooling around with my boyfriend!" She points at Ella and I feel my eyes roll off their own accord. We're they kidding me with this?

"Okay, so instead of going after your cheating, loser boyfriend, you go 3 on 1 on the other girl?" I demand, backing up the door, ever so slightly. This was not the place I wanted to throw down in, we were outsized, outnumbered and Ella already took a beating, the last thing I needed was to be jumped in here where nobody could eventually break it up.

"Who are you calling a loser?" She demands, and I'm like wow. I'm sure my face said it all. She's defending her alleged boyfriend.

So I straightened up, halting my step due to my inability to back down. "I was calling your boyfriend a loser, but now I'm calling you one. A pathetic, psychotic loser. The next time you wanna fight my friend here, have the balls to do it one on one. Or better yet, have some self respect and don't fight with other girls over a guy." With that, I turned on my heel, pushing Ella towards the door.

And we made it out. Ella was rushing to tell her that the guy from the football team wasn't even that girls boyfriend, but even still she didn't know they had a thing in the first place. As we were back to passing the football team, I felt myself being pulled backwards by my hair.

My last coherent thought before animal mode kicked in was, why do all these bitches in this town go straight for the hair?

Typically, I didn't care much for physical fights, but I wasn't exactly impartial to them either. Growing up as I did, and where I did, I had to be ready to throw down at any moment. Size went against me a lot of the time, but since meeting my dad and living a decent lifestyle, I've grown a little taller and became a little sturdier.

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