Chapter Seven

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The following afternoon, I had done a list of chores Alex left for me and had been to the gym with him so I was finally relaxing laying on the couch with Ellie.
Alex is mean and doesn't allow her on the furniture, but he was called to an emergency meeting, and had left me alone in the house promising to be back within a couple of hours, so of course I let Ellie up to cuddle with me.
He had gone to a meeting, leaving me alone for the first time with strict orders not to leave the house and to have my chores done by the time he got back.
My friend Ella had been hopping off my phone, obviously concerned for my safety, since I dropped off the map the day I got to Alex's.
To be fair, she was the only friend I actually liked, and was as fucked as me.

We were talking on the phone, we had a lot of years together due to being the same age. We even got fostered together briefly when we were about twelve. She was like me; in and out of the system so as we could never have the chance on adoption. Her mom was a junkie, like mine, and they tend to clean up for a while and get you back then fuck it all up again. But I hadn't had sight nor sound from my mother in about three years.
Ella was one of those people who could've done anything she wanted, if she'd just had a few more opportunities. She stood 5"5' tall, weighing in at about 100 pounds with caramel brown hair down to her ass and the prettiest little face you could imagine. Big blue eyes, deep dimples always on display because she always wore her bright smile, she was incredibly positive and always up for some fun.
"So how's the foster situation?" She scrunches you her nose, and I chuckle.
"Well, he's nice to be honest." I admit, and see her relieved expression, thank god for FaceTime. "He's strict and in my face but nice."
She smirks, knowing how much I despise authority figures. "Maybe you need it, better late than never!" She says in a sing-song voice.
I giggle at her antics. "What about you?" I eye her, watching for the subtlest of change in her face to get an idea of how it's really going.
She shrugs, still smiling. "Apparently they have a foster lined up for me too." She rolls her eyes at this, and I totally understand that. At this age it's a waste of time and won't last. "Outside the city, which is the first part that's not ideal. Then there's the rest. But you know that."
I nod, fully understanding and relating to any reservations she'd have. Not only is fosters a waste of time, it's not always safe, especially for teenage girls.

Of course, all sorts can happen to boys and girls alike on the foster front. And, of course, there's nice ones too, genuine good people that want to help. But it's not a guarantee, and that has to a prevalent thought when going into a strangers home, to ignore possible risks would reckless. We have to have our guards up.
Ella interrupts my thoughts, her high pitched voice pulling me back to reality.
"Otherwise, things are normal at the centre. Aly is on the warpath because somebody stole her Rolex."
I throw my head back in genuine laughter. Aly was a den mother of sorts. Her, amongst a few others, were tasked with attempting to keep order in the shelter. We liked to call it a shelter, as in homeless shelter, because we genuinely were homeless so it seemed fitting, but also funny.
"Remember I stole Aly's Christian Dior perfume and $100 from her purse." I recall, smiling about all the nice food and pot we had for days afterward.
Ella gasps then giggles. "Omg! That was so crazy too, you did it while she was in the same room!" She laughs and I nod proudly.
"She left it out, she deserved it." Which is true, better me than one of the others.

After reminiscing on the few good times, Ella sighed loudly, a loaded sigh. "I miss you, Jaida."
I smile. "I miss you too, like a lot." I admit. "As nice as Alex is, it's lonely not having anyone my age."
She smiles knowingly. That's when I notice Alex stood in the door way.
My eyes flash back to Ella. "I gotta go, I'll call you soon, okay?"
She scrunches her nose in confusion but nods anyway. "Sure, I'll see you soon."
I hang up and turn my attention back to Alex.

I eye him cautiously, unsure of what he'd heard. "Hey." I murmur, quietly.
He smiles, gently. "Hey yourself." He moves into the room, loosening his tie as her moves. "How was your afternoon?"
I shrug, smiling. "It was fine, I did the list." I inform him, and though he looks briefly pleased, he shakes his head.
"While I'm very glad to hear that, I was hoping you'd enjoy some free time too." He fishes, hoping I'll let him in some more.
I indulge him, giving him a bright smile. "Yeah, it was nice to be by myself. I spoke to my friend, she was worried about me, I think."
Alex looks delighted with that, beaming at me, his hazel eyes sparkling. Although all of him was sparkling that day, in his work clothes. Not a hair out of place.

He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees and adopting a more serious look. "I'm very happy you spoke to your friend sweetie." He begins, but his body language lets me know he wants my full attention. "Today I went to get you enrolled in the private high school in the area, and to organize to get you in with a therapist." I scowl instantly, not liking the thought of  either.
Alex, upon seeing my reaction, immediately holds a hand up, letting me know to think before I speak. "You need both, legally." He says, frankly. "I went over your files from your old school with the dean, we've come to an agreement you'll need to study extra hard to catch up on anything you might not have covered at the old school, and I've told him I'll be lighting a fire under your ass to make sure it's all done."
I huff in response, not interested in talking school. I had one more week. "Alex I don't wanna talk school, I'm aware how it will play out, okay?" I brush him off, retrieving my discarded phone from the seat next to me.
Before I know it, Alex has taken my phone from my hands and is giving me the look.
"Watch the attitude!" He warns me, pointing a finger at me. "You don't tell me when a conversations over! I'm the parent here! Is that clear?"
Immediately my stomach drops, and I nod once. "Yes sir."

Alex nods once, but looks as though he's debating what he's saying next. "I'm very serious about this topic. Your education is so important. Go stand in the corner and think about that." He points to the corner, his other hand on his hip.
I pout, instantly. "I'm sorry!!" I whine out, begging. 
He shakes his head, but takes me gently but firmly by my upper arm and pulls me from my seat. Then he lays 3 hard swats on my butt. I yelp, my hands flying back to rub the sting, but Alex stops me.
"Hands on your head, now!" I oblige him, wanting to make this stop.
He then firmly grabs my ear, as he warns me not to move my hands. While I heed his warning, I whine as he leads me to the corner.
"If you want to act like an insolent toddler, you'll be treated as such." He tells me, in his no nonsense voice. "Don't move until I tell you to, or I can make this punishment worse. Understood?" He scolds, as I pout, my nose touching the wall.
"Yes sir." I mutter, humiliated.
"It's supposed to be embarrassing, baby girl. Remember your loved." Alex chimes as he retreats to the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile.

But I got the message loud and clear. School was not something to mess around with.
Alex made me stand there for ages, as he sat there watching tv. When he finally told me I could leave the stupid corner, my arms ached.

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