Chapter Thirty

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My sister looked horrid. She has puffy, dark patches under her eyes, her hair was up in the most messy and unlike her bun. She had sweats on, very not jazz.

The look on her face was that "I'm about to burst into tears at any moment" grimace. She looked how I felt. In fact, I bet I looked worse thanks to my sob session not 15 minutes earlier.

After letting Alex comfort her, she came straight to me and dumped her emotions all over me. Like literally cried all over for me what felt like hours. I guess it wasn't nice being the one to ID her, and her parents are away, so nobody was at home to talk to her.

Luckily they're on a flight back from Florida as we speak, cause I knew I couldn't handle her on my own. As we laid on my bed, me literally rocking my big sister, I realized just how emotionally stable I actually was.

"I can't believe all this has happened." She mutters, when she finally cried herself dry. I was absentmindedly twirling her hair, nodding silently in agreement. "I feel so disgusting, I haven't even showered."

"So get a shower." I point to my bathroom. "Or there's an amazing bathtub in the main bathroom." I remember, thinking I might do that myself. I warn typically a bath fan, another childhood trauma induced irrational fear, but the tub was so deep you could sit back and totally relax in it.

"I don't have clean clothes, I'll have to wait until
I get home." She tells me, and I sigh.
"I have tons of clothes, Jazz." I tell her, she was taller than me but hardly heavier. She could fit in my clothes easily.

I can sense she's contemplating it, knowing it'll make her feel the tiniest bit better. "Would Alex mind?" She asks me, unsure.
I shake my head, rolling my eyes. "Of course not, whatever makes you feel better."

She pushes back against me to sit upright, turning to face me. "If you're sure?" She confirms, reminding me of a small child.
I nod. "I'm sure." Giving her a small smile, hoping to get her away from me for a few minutes. She was making it difficult for me to keep my emotions in check.

She goes in my closet, and picks out a Tommy Hilfiger sweater and a pair of black jeans, before making her way to the bathroom. Just as she's about to close the door, she looks back to me.

And makes my jaw hit the floor. "Jaida, I'm pregnant." She tells me, before disappearing behind the door.

"Jasmine!" I shout after her, she can't just leave me hanging like that. I didn't even know she was seeing anybody. Maybe she wasn't. My mind goes wild with all the possibilities running through it, and now I know why she's so damn upset.

Becoming a mother was hard enough, becoming a mother after having the worlds worst mother made it extremely difficult, becoming a mother after said mother died of a heroin overdose was just impossible.

Becoming an aunt on the other hand, not so hard. I managed to make myself smile for a second, as I wondered downstairs to give her space.

I decided on getting some water, Alex hadn't pushed the necessity that is eating down my throat for the first time since I'd met him, and while I had been glad of it all morning, I was starting to feel physically like shit, as well as mentally like shit.

Walking into the kitchen, I found him perched at the island, staring off into space, looking about as vulnerable as I felt the very first day I had walked into his opulent, albeit inherited home.

Speak of the devil, I think to myself, as I move through the kitchen to the utility room to grab a water.

My presence pulls him from what is no doubt a trip down memory lane for him, painting a tired and sympathetic smile on his face as I move to stand across from him.

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