Chapter Forty Nine

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I felt like utter shit. And as Ella would say, I'd rather shit in my hands and clap then be out on a hike with my father.

But he won that battle, and most other battles to be fair, so that's how I found myself in pain, dehydrated, nauseous and out of breath as he set a ridiculous pace to hike at. While I'd grown tons in the past 6 months I was still only 5'5" and nowhere near capable of keeping up with his tall, overly fit self.

As always, we were in our happy silence, and I know the difference since when it's an unhappy silence he spends it glaring at me and emanating some serious unhappy dad vibes.

I hadn't considered the consequences of sneaking out and drinking because I was already fairly certain what they were, and I knew if I did consider it, I'd have backed out, which isn't me. And it's not like I have someone to talk me off the ledge, Madison would just agree with him, Jazz too, and Ella's freakishly respectful of everything he says.

Point is, sober me regretted it all.

I sigh deeply, probably emanating my own unhappy daughter vibes, though even I wasn't prepared to disrespect my dad while walking on these particular egg shells.

"Regretful?" Dad muses, side eyeing me.

I huff out a breath, laughing softly. "What do you think?" I sass, albeit in good nature.

He nods once, laughing too. "Yeah, I would imagine and hope you're having some regrets," he agrees and I nod. "In fact, my goal of the day is to make sure of it."

"Well, I'd say your off to a blinder." I cringe a little, earning a smirk. "I'm getting some serious unhappy dad vibes!" I tell him and he laughs loudly.

"Unhappy dad vibes?" He questions and I nod. "Sounds like an instagram caption," he remarks.

I cringe, chuckling in horror at this. "Stay off instagram, old man," I bite back, glad I didn't have him or Maddie on mine to see my stories last night.

He raises a brow. "I'll have you know I have lots of instagram followers, and I'm not even that old!" He argues in kind and I smile.

"Yes you are, you're my dad, you can't be on instagram." I retort and he shakes his head.

"Get over yourself," he chuckles. "Do you even follow my insta?" He asks and I can't help but laugh out loud.

"No way!" I answer immediately. "I don't wanna follow you!" I tell him and he mocks offense at the comment.

"So you've never even stalked my account?" He muses and I roll my eyes, giggling.

"I'm guessing you've tried to stalk mine then?" I turn the tables and it's his turn to roll his eyes.

"Try?" He scoffs. "I have stalked your instagram, countless times." He says proudly causing me to balk.

"How?" I demand. "My account is private and I've purposely ignored Madison's request for months!" I sigh, outraged.

He simply smirks. "Like you said, I'm your dad. And like I said, I'm not that old." He tells me and I roll my eyes once more.

"Well you'll find nothing, private story and whatever freaky fake account your using isn't in it," I say smugly, earning another smirk.

"Oh you won't be posting any private stories without your phone," he says in a sing song voice.

"For the last time, you can't confiscate my personal property," I mock argue, smiling cheekily at the memory of the first time I tried to argue this with him.

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