Chapter Six

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The next morning, my sister woke me by falling over her shoes and straight on top on of me.
I felt so disoriented and confused, I had just gotten used to the new environment then Jasmine had to show up and catch me off guard.
"What are you doing!" I practically scream, pushing her off me.
"Can you calm down, I fell!" She grumbles, giving me the stink eye.
"Fuck off." I grumble, turning over.
"Rude." She mumbles, shuffling around. Presumably getting up, she can't survive without coffee.
"This is the literal only morning Alex is going to let me stay in bed, and you're fucking ruining it." I groan into my pillow, ready to get up and tackle her.
"Jaida it's almost 11am, do you know how rude we're being." She whines, opening the curtains.
"Jazz I swear to god! Close those damn curtains before I get out of this bed and put your skinny little head through the window!" I growl, sitting up and glaring at her.
She glares back at me. "Get out of bed!" She orders and I scoff.
"Sorry did I miss the part where you got the right to order me around." I snicker, seriously weighing up if it was worth it to hit her. Just once. I smile into my pillow at the thought, pulling the blanket back around my shoulders.

The next thing I know, the blanket is ripped off me and my sister is yanking me out of bed by my arm.
I growl, partly cause of the pain she caused my arm, partly out of pure rage.
I rip my arm out of her grip and push her backwards, knocking her to the floor. "Don't ever put your hands on me like that again!" I warn her, rubbing my shoulder, which felt sensitive from her hauling me up by my arm. What a psycho, I think to myself as I storm out of the room and down the staircase, in an attempt to put space between Jasmine and I, and calm down.
I head straight for the living room, and flop down on the sofa. Alex sat there, looking up from his phone with a raised brow.
I grunt in acknowledgment of his presence, knowing today would be a bad day. I felt like my usual self, grumpy, angry and not up for dealing with people's shit. Especially not my sister.
"Care to explain the thump in your room and the screaming profanities." Alex questions, snarky.
I clench my jaw, again considering if it would be worth it to attack someone, except this time it would be him.
Having gave me a few minutes to respond, Alex straightens up in his seat and I can feel his glare on me. "Don't ignore me, Jaida." He warns me, daring me to challenge him. The problem was, I was up for every and any challenge thrown my way when I felt like that.

I turn my eyes to his, matching his not so pleased stare. "Ask Jasmine, I'm sure she's on her feet by now." I smirk, not caring in the slightest what he thinks. That day, I wanted to be sent back, to end up wherever it took me. Then it would be away from a man who thought he could boss me around, and whatever secret bullshit him and my sister were carrying on with.
Alex stands up, and goes up the stairs, probably to ask my fairy ass sister what had happened. Luckily for me, I didn't care to clear my name or plead my innocence. But technically, she assaulted me, so I didn't particularly care what anybody else thought. She knew what had happened.

I was left to stew. The problem with that being, it just grew my rage, I was already on the brink of storming the place and getting on the next bus back to the city.
Of course Alex returned, opting to stand in front of me.
"You have about 10 seconds to explain yourself." He growls, crossing his arms over his chest and giving me the look.
I shake my head, laughing incredulously. "Not one more person is going to put hands on me today and get away with it." I warn him, crossing my own arms. "If you don't want me to flip out and walk the fuck out of this place, then I'd highly suggest backing off me."
Alex narrows his eyes, and looks unsure of how to proceed. I just continue to stare, although my features have relaxed somewhat and I don't feel as though I'm burning holes in him with my stare anymore.

I sigh, hearing steps trudging down the stairs. Shaking my head, I pull my knees to my chest, desperately trying to control my breathing. Controlling my rage was always problematic, it was an anxious thing. It manifested itself in the form of burning rage, and Jasmine had ignited that fire that morning.
I swallowed hard, putting my head in my hands just as Alex sat next to me. Although he didn't touch me, which was definitely for the best, I could feel his attempts to calm me down in his energy.
My sister entered the room, and I could feel my heart rate speed up as I begged and pleaded with myself not to do anything reckless.
"Jaida don't even sit there feeling sorry for yourself! You literally threw me on the ground!" She lies. I didn't. Then I just saw red. And I couldn't control it.
I leaped up and grabbed her by her neck, and flung her onto the ground. It was that easy cause she didn't expect it, and for no other reason.
Alex jumped into action, picking her up and generally looking like a headless chicken. I looked into her eyes, emotionless.
"Now, you can say I threw you on the ground, you fucking lying piece of shit." I smile, feeling calm all of a sudden. Then I do what I do best, grabbing my jacket and shoes and fleeing the house.

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