Chapter Thirty Five

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All the supposed parenting classes I was forced to take couldn't stress enough the importance of consistency. My own parents always followed through on what they said, and while I wasn't always thankful for this growing up, I can now see why I always felt so stable. Plus it enforced one of my best qualities, I was a man of my word.

Much like myself as a kid, Jaida didn't love the fact that I was following through on my word, yet again. And her apprehension was forcing me to question myself. Was I being too hard on her?

I had to shake it from my head, I had warned her the very same day that I was through giving warnings. She knew the standard, it was her responsibility to meet it, and mine to enforce it. With that said, I forced the images of her as a small, fragile child from my mind and let the memories of her belligerent behavior in my living room come flooding back.

I stood up, unbuckling my belt as I gave her a very simple set of instructions. "Over the desk." I said, as I slid my belt out of the loops, making that unforgettable whooshing sound.

I could practically see her attempt to cut her air off, flooding her eyes with tears in the process. While I wasn't a typically sympathetic person, she was the exception to this, but the blatant manipulation and theatrics were getting to be a bit much.

"You're not being fair." She whines, crossing her arms over her chest as she continues her protest.

I raise a brow, considering just bringing her to the desk myself and getting it over with. But instead of that, and instead of justifying my actions I started adding. "I don't care, but you bought yourself 5 extra." I tell her, giving her a pointed look, while literally pointing to the desk.

With that, the glare reappears, as she realizes I wasn't backing down. She knew her options were limited, and the more time she wasted, the more I added so with a big dramatic, teenage sigh she stood up from her spot on the bed and stomped to the desk.

I knew she would be sore from earlier, so I knew I'd take it easy, and focus on her upper thighs and sit spots rather than the actual cheeks since the paddle can't hit much else but them. As much as those areas would hurt more, she'd feel it more and be less likely to force me into this again any time soon.

So as soon as assumed the position, I slapped the belt down 3 times in quick succession. I had planned to stick with 10 but her arguing bought her five more and I wanted it over as quickly as possible. 

By the sixth stroke of the belt, I could hear her breathing become heavy, and I didn't envy her. In fact, my own heart rate had elevated. Regardless, I brought the belt across her upper thighs, hitting the same spot 3 more times, causing a hissed intake of breath from my daughter and what I was sure would be the first set of tears.

Within 2 more whacks, heavy ones I might add, she couldn't hold back the tears, and believe me she tried. But she was openly crying, and I had to take a deep breath of own and steel my heart to be able to continue.

In order to put us both out of our misery, I laid the last 4 down hard and fast, all on her sensitive sit spots with the hope that she'd feel them for long enough to resist the urge to flip out again any time soon. She let out a ragged breath when she heard my belt hit the floor, and I stood back to give her a moment to compose herself while I did the same.

The kid was just like me. I could see it in her eyes that she wanted to fight me after these ordeals, especially lately. The humiliation was wearing off and it was becoming annoyance.

Which was so relatable to me. I remember wanting to tackle my dad across the room after every single time we did this, but luckily for me, even if she tried she wouldn't get very far. And luckily for my dad, I didn't have the balls to ever follow through on my deepest desire to kick his ass after he beat mine.

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