Chapter Ten

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When Alex mentioned meeting his "friend" it had kinda flew over my head, I was too concerned with ridding myself of my jeans to even register the words. So after a rough nights sleep due to anxiety and my literally welted ass, I started to think of it. I'd never have thought I'd end up feeling clingy to Alex, but the fear of wondering what the status of their relationship was had me sweating. Mostly cause Alex is a young enough guy, he could still have children of his own, then he'd certainly be over me.
That frightened me, so as I woke up early and got ready for my day I slowly spiraled into this anxiety ridden, paranoid freak.

The clock told me it was 8.30am, and I sighed, looking around my room. It was perfectly tidy, and I was dressed with my make up done for the first time since I got here. I was usually a make up fan, but most of mine was destroyed and cheap however Jasmine had left stuff the day she came to visit, by accident on purpose. I'm more tanned than her, the foundation was way too dark for her face that she left behind. And not even opened. But I looked good, I noted, looking in the Hollywood mirror at my cute vanity one last time, reminding myself to try milk Alex for money for make up, get as much out of this as I can while I'm still here. I had self taught myself how to do make up while I was sick with pleurisy the year previous. Although, to be clear, I was recovering by the time I actually got the strength to sit up and watch videos and practice.

Having made my way downstairs, stopping to greet Ellie along the way, I ended up in the kitchen, starving. Alex was, as usual, perched at his stool at the island and on his MacBook. He looked deep in whatever work-related shit he was up to, so I didn't bother to look his direction as I moved to get ingredients for a grilled cheese from the fridge.
I made the whole thing before either of us spoke, it wasn't an awkward silence and the only reason I really noted we didn't speak at all is that he's usually quite chipper in the morning. So I reluctantly took my seat at the island, not wanting to bother him.
As I took the first bite of my grilled cheese, which was amazing by the way, I noticed him looking at me with a half smile on his face.
"While I enjoy the sight of you up and ready for the day and eating, what's with the silent treatment?" He chuckles quietly and I hold up a hand, still chewing.
"I could ask you the same thing." I retort, playfully.
Alex sighs deeply, resting his elbows on the counter top before burying his face in his hands. He wipes his face harshly, before looking back to me and smiling weakly.
"I'm sorry, baby girl. Work has me fucked." He groans, then his eyes go wide. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be using that language around you." I barely hide my giggle.
"It's okay, Alex." I say gently. "I've heard worse, trust." I remark, going back to my sandwich.
Alex chuckles, I see him nod once in my peripheral.
"It's gonna be a bit of a long day for me sweetie, I apologize in advance."
I meet his eye, nodding slowly. I fancied going out for an hour, to the beach. "Well, maybe I could go to the beach for a while."
He looks conflicted as his face contorts, thinking about my suggestion. "Maybe for an hour, I have Maddie coming over here at 1 for lunch which is a fucking nightmare." He trails off, groaning into his hands again and I laugh out loud this time.
"Can I do something to help you?" I ask, noticing his obvious stress.
He smiles, shaking his head. "No, I'm fine I'd be getting after you if you were behaving like this." He chuckles to himself. "Go to the beach, take Ellie, enjoy yourself." He stands up, coming around to me and pulling me out of my seat and into his chest.
I practically melt, because apparently I'm now a clingy lunatic who lives for praise and love from this almost dad I stumbled upon a few weeks ago.
"Thank you." I murmur, as he pulls back.
"Okay, be back in an hour, and only to the beach and back." He orders.
"Yes sir." I agree, noticing for the first time he's not even showered which is so unlike him.

Just as I'm about to leave, Ellie standing at attention as she is obsessed with getting out of the house for walks, Alex appears in the hallway holding up my phone and AirPods.
"Think of this as the once in a blue moon time where I go temporarily insane and decide to give you back privileges I'm not sure you deserve purely because I want an easy life." He rambles, giving me a goofy smile. In return, I give him the biggest smile ever and I can see how happy that smile made him as his own smile widens too.
"Thanks, Alex." My voice is quiet, maybe it was the hardcore spanking the day before, or the fear of losing him but I felt subdued. Plus I could tell he really needed a break, he looked stressed and exhausted.
He tosses them to me, adopting a stern look again. "Don't make me regret it, Jaida." He warns. "I'm sure your still sore from yesterday, that won't earn you any sympathy from me."
I give him a small smile, wondering if I'll ever get used to the humiliating threats of being spanked.
"Yes sir." I cave in, after him giving me the look for taking too long to respond.

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