Chapter Thirty Nine

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As my nights became tortured with nightmares, my mothers face haunting me, I began fighting back.

I couldn't handle the feeling of being vulnerable. And that's how I felt when I woke up screaming, shaking and sweating multiple times per night.

I could see the way both Alex and Madison were looking at me, like I was about to break, and it was tearing me up inside.

The reality was that they were right. I wasn't coping. My sister had made up with her boyfriend and settled in Alex's condo to start her new life with her new baby, which was obviously a good thing. However, it would be nice if the bitch would remember her little sister once in a while.

My only reprieve from my tormented night, and pity filled days was Jamie. We had stepped things up a notch, turned the heat up.

The great thing about Saturday's these days was this; Alex and Madison spent the afternoon together. Giving me a window of about four hours to myself. Well, with Jamie.

He wasn't a huge fan of the idea at first, but naturally I convinced him otherwise quite quickly.

After another heated make out session, we were sitting opposite one another on the bed, playing 20 questions when I heard the front door swing open downstairs.

Immediately Jamie's eyes bugged out. "I thought you said they wouldn't be back until dinner time," he panics, tapping his phone to see it is only 4pm.

I shrug, trying to think of a way to sneak him out, only to remember his car is in the drive way. That's when the footsteps approached from the stairs.

Knowing I was caught, I leaned back against the wall, keeping my eyes on Jamie in an attempt to calm him down. He looked anything but calm.

"Jaida," he groaned, as the floorboards at the top of the stairs creaked. "Should I hide?" He whispers and I can't hold back my laughter.

Shaking my head, I ignored my door swinging inwards to point out the obvious flaw in his plan. "Then what should I tell them about your car parked outside?" I chuckle, before looking to where Jamie looked.

Madison, in my door way, with a brow raised and a hand on her hip. Looking very maternal and disciplinarian-like. I giggle aloud at the thought. As if.

She raises both brows this time. "Care to explain what's funny? Or why you didn't learn this particular lesson the first time," she asks, sounding both stern and exasperated.

I raise my brow in response. "Sorry, I must've missed the part where it was any of your business," I retort, earning a barely audible groan from my boyfriend.

Madison sighs before turning to Jamie. "Alex will be back here in about 20 minutes," she informs him. "Might be wise to run while you still can." Jamie nods immediately, but does quickly kiss me, before ducking from the room.

I wanted to tell her to fuck off, and tell her she'd no right to have a say in my life. Or to kick Jamie out of my dads house. I did neither, opting instead to stare impassively.

Seeing I was making no move to back down, much less apologize, she nodded to herself but glaring me down once more. "You can wait right where you are and explain this one to your father once he gets here," she scolds, moving to my nightstand and snatching my phone up before waving it in front of me. "I'll be taking this with me," she informs me, looking rather smug as she sauntered from the room.

Hot on her heels, I stalked down the stairs behind her. Like hell was this happening.

Like. Fucking. Hell.

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