Chapter Forty

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Do you ever just wake up pissed off at the world?

That was my Monday morning. Pissed off, and impatient.

My impatience came to a head when Madison kept insisting she cook breakfast but struggle her way through everything. Up to and including buttering toast.

"Just let me do it!" I snapped when I watched her spill an entire pot of boiling water on the tiles.

Alex finally peered up from him MacBook, and the fact that he just let her struggle through it all had bothered me too.

"Are you going to just sit there?" I demanded, glaring at him as I began to try and mop up 2 liters of water from the floor as Madison flapped around the place, cursing under her breath.

He pushed out of his seat, giving me a dirty look of his own as he passed me to help Madison. More often than not, he was right by her side, not caring that I took on the biggest task in cleaning up the spilled BOILING water.

While I said no more to either of them, my body language spoke volumes. Breakfast was tense, but after weeks of Madison getting in my way, I was done with her and done with Alex for picking her over me.

Alex cleared his throat, giving me a pointed look before speaking. "Madison's gonna drop you to school," he informs me, sipping his coffee. "I'm stuck in meetings all day, all week actually, so you and Madison will be spending a lot of time together," he informs me, and I can't help the eye roll.

Swallowing the last bite of toast, I pushed my seat back. "Happy fucking Monday!" I muttered under my breath, throwing my plate into the sink and making my exit from the house.

Although walking was not an option, I knew I could walk far enough for Alex not to find me and Jamie to pick me up instead.

Well, theoretically. Alex literally storming after me wasn't a part of my plan. Spinning me around to face him half way down the drive way, he kept a firm grip on both my shoulders. "What's the issue, Jaida?" His question offended me, as much as his girlfriends incompetence did. So, I rolled my eyes to communicate those thoughts.

"Leave me alone Alex," I mutter, as I attempt to shrug out of his hold.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong," he counters, arching one brow in the typical condescending way that he does.

Having had enough, I physically pushed his hands off me and took a step away from him. "I'm not going to school with her, if you're too busy for me then I'll find my own way," I say with finality, turning on my heel once again.

However, once again he catches my arm, stopping me in my tracks. And when I look up to meet his eye again, he appears as though he's been enlightened, looking both aware and guilty.

"I am not too busy for you, I'm just busy," he explains, his voice gentle. "There's a difference hon."

Unsatisfied with his response, I scoff. "I can see where I stand around here, I'm not an idiot," I begin, glaring up at him. "But I'm not going to spend time with her, if you don't want me just send me back."

Alex's face contorts in confusion before wrinkling in disgust at my statement.

Shaking his head, he wraps his arm around my shoulders and leads me back to the kitchen. Looking to Madison, he speaks again. "I'll take her to school," he tells her before turning back to me.

"You're not seeing anything clearly right now, and that's okay," he murmurs in my ear. "But you're not going anywhere, ever, that's not going to be an option, don't ever think otherwise." His voice becomes firm, in what he planned to be a warning but came out like reassurance.

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