Chapter Nineteen

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Having spent the weekend trying to recover, and relaxing with Madison a lot, I was not ready for school when Monday morning rolled around. Without realizing it, I was moody with both Alex and Madison. I did notice he was giving me a few glares here, but I didn't care. I couldn't express my disinterest enough, the fact that I hadn't spoken a single word to any of them was indication that I really didn't wanna hear it that morning.

Ella arrived, and instantly shut up. One look at me and she knew it wasn't the day to test me. So she was as polite as my mood allowed her to be with Alex, and I noticed him looking at her quizzically. He had grown accustomed to her bubbly personality, and enthusiasm towards life. Said enthusiasm would piss me off when I felt this way, and she knew from experience to keep it well away from me.

I walked ahead of them to the car, and I heard her speaking quietly to Alex.
"Haven't you figured out not to speak to her when she's like that, she goes from that stewing, slowly bubbling rage to psychopath in seconds." I snicker to myself, not even mad at her for trying to warn him. But he already knew.

I hear him scoff. "Her rage gets her nowhere with me, I think you'll find she'll contain it and hold herself together."

I roll my eyes, turning back to give him a death stare. He might be right, but that didn't mean I was happy to hear him undermine me like that. It gave me joy knowing certain people in my life still walked on eggshells when I wanted them too. Ella, Jasmine and that damned social worker.

Despite Ella attempting to cheer me up throughout the school day, even she had to ditch me by lunchtime. Although she invited me to sit with the new friends we'd both made, I wanted to be alone. I was a ticking time bomb, it was better for everyone if they steered clear of me.

Of course, Jamie didn't see it like that, opting to plop down next to me on an isolated bench I had found to hide out at during lunch.

He nudges my shoulder with his extremely large bicep, and I could hear his smile in his voice.
"Why the long face?" He jokes, and I shake my head, not wanting him to the casualty of war.

"I'm just not in the mood today." I look up to him, but I can't hold back the smile at his dimpled grin, his blue eyes bright as ever. "I'm serious, stop grinning."

He throws his head back, his dimples deepening if that's possible. "You're way too cute to be this angry, come on!" He tries, and I roll my eyes but still smiling for some reason. "Seriously though, what's wrong?"

I consider telling him, testing out if opening up to him would work but shake my head at the thought. "I'm just tired, I feel so over worked in this school." I try, and he seems to buy it. Probably cause there's some truth in my excuse, I was a bit over worked.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about." He surprises me, looking as carefree as ever. "There's a party on Saturday night after the game, you should come with me."

He looks low key nervous and a smile plays on my lips. "With you?" I repeat, just torturing him a little bit. He's totally gorgeous, and while my newfound father might have an issue with the idea, I was down to go to a party with him.

He nods, a nervous smile on his lips. "With me." I chuckle at his forced confidence, deciding it best to put him out of his misery.

"I really wanna go, but Alex.." I trail off, already beginning to think of a way around him. "He could be a bit of an issue."

Jamie laughs, nodding his head in agreement. "A bit? More like a 6'3" giant, aggressive problem." I almost groan, the thought of boy and party talk with Alex is enough to send me to an early grave. "How does he feel about you dating?" He changes the direction fast, and my eyes bug out at the thought.

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