Chapter Twenty Three

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The next morning I woke up with extreme pain in my hand, and upon inspection it had turned a lovely shade of purple over night and the swelling hadn't improved either. After using the toilet and moving to attempt to wash my hands, I came face to face with my own face in the mirror, and my lip was busted. Who knew a bitch slap could do so much damage.

Although that was the least of my worries, my lip would heal up, my hand was another story. And it wouldn't look good for Alex. If I ended up in hospital, the socials would be all over it. But I was almost certain I needed an X-ray, having been through my fair share of injuries, I had a good idea that the pain I was in wasn't something that would go away on it's own.

The stress had me pissed off, and I could feel a massive headache coming on. Plus I felt completely exhausted, and when I picked up my phone I saw it was 8.30am so I hadn't slept a wink. Obviously that was why I was so tired.

I expected that Alex and Madison's late night drama might make them sleep in, but when I got to the kitchen I found both sitting there, Alex engrossed in something in his MacBook and Madison looking pretty subdued. Awkward.

I wasn't a big fan of interacting with people in general, but I especially didn't like being in a room when two people clearly had beef. While I wanted to simply turn on my heel, I needed pain relief. It was horrendous, and I couldn't ignore it for much longer. The fact that my dirty laundry got aired, I was attacked and somebody I trusted betrayed me all made me feel rather emotional. And the last thing I wanted to do was be forced to talk it through with either of them. But especially her.

Alex looked up, a concerned look etched on his ragged face, his usually bright eyes were puffy and red rimmed. Madison looked like shit too. I briefly wondered why she hadn't dipped, I would have ran for the hills as soon as possible if I was in her shoes.

Alex putting two painkillers on the counter and a bottle of water and nodding his head towards me for me to come take them distracted me from my thoughts.
"How's your hand?" He asks, his voice hoarse. I briefly wondered had they had a screaming match, but I didn't hear shit after I went to bed so I doubted it.

"Broken." I tell him, holding it up as I awkwardly knock back the two painkillers. I knew I needed something stronger than Advil but I had no desire to argue that morning. I was already falling apart mentally. Alex hums, inspecting it, looking like he also agrees that it's fucked. "What am I supposed to do about it? There'll be stupid social workers breathing down your neck if I have to go to the hospital. This is the exact thing they take kids out of foster homes for." I whine, immediately cursing myself for airing my concerns to him.

He chuckles a little, before giving me a look to say I'm being silly. "Don't worry about that, I've organized for Dr Williams to come over and have a look at it this morning." He tells me, grabbing another ice pack before leading me to the seat next to his at the island.

Alex was like unbelievable at not giving a shit how tense an atmosphere was, from the moment I met him he was completely not phased by awkwardness. Madison hadn't even looked up, and I certainly didn't thrive in these situations. But he was striding around the kitchen like nothing was wrong.

After a few unbearable minutes, he comes back across the room and puts bacon and pancakes down in front of me, and sliding into the seat next to me and goes back to his MacBook.

I do mutter a thank you, picking at the delicious food while watching him out of the corner of my eye. Without looking up from the MacBook he speaks, a blank look on his face.
"Didn't you say you've some errands to run today?" He asks Madison, though it's not a question. It's a fucking dismissal.

She looks mortified, turning red, but ducks out of the room immediately. I feel bad and I know I shouldn't, but I do. Maybe I shouldn't have said a word about it to Alex and let him think I just kicked off again. It would have been totally believable.

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