Chapter Thirty Six

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The following morning was a rough, I had slept but I felt like shit. Certainly in no mood to argue with Jaida,  I simply went out for a hike alone with Ellie at 5.30am.

I knew I should be spending as much time with her as possible before she went back to school the next day, but I was agitated. I wanted to work, and to get some space from that house.

It made a lot of sense for me to move back there when I found out about Jaida, cause it was in an ideal location, perfect size and it had what I needed.

What I didn't take into account was how close I'd be to my own upbringing, and my parents. That was the house I worked my ass off to get out of, and to prove to myself I could make it.

Then life lands me straight back in it. I sighed as I walked back into the house, at 7am, flicking through my Apple Watch to see how many miles we had gotten in.

Ellie was no longer giving me the weird silent treatment from the night before, so that was 1 out of 3 women in my life back on my side. While I had a feeling things wouldn't be so easy with Jaida, Madison would come around.

It was customary for Mads and I to go away, often. She had came with me on the business night a few weeks previous, but it was short lived and certainly not the romantic getaway she hoped for.

However, Jaida was a problem. I couldn't leave her alone, and I wouldn't leave her with Jasmine. Maybe in another year she'd be trustworthy enough to stay overnight alone, but as it stood that was not the case.

I had toyed with the idea of having Madison move in, I knew it would make no difference to Jaida. However, it would to me. From the point of view, Madison would get too deep about it.

As I sat there stewing, nursing a cup of green tea, Jaida appeared in the doorway, sleepy eyed and moody.

"Good morning sunshine!" I tease, my voice chirpy, earning a much welcomed grimace.

"It's like 7am!" She exclaims, obviously offended by chipper demeanor and the fact I had very obviously already been up and out.

I nod, how very observant of you Jadey. "And?" Cause seriously, it's not that weird that I'm up and active at 7am.

"Why are you slamming doors and boiling kettles and smashing cupboards at 7am?" She demands, oh looks like I literally woke the beast.

I cock a brow, entirely surprised at her attitude. Granted it's always a rough sleep after being punished, particularly twice. But come on, learn a lesson kid.
"You were in bed before 10pm, if you slept from 10pm until now that's 9 hours sleep, which is actually too much sleep." I inform her, earning a glare.

Usually she brushed her hair and teeth before gracing me with her presence, but she was uncharacteristically disheveled, she looked how I felt. I had slept for 7 hours, which is the perfect amount, and I felt disgusting.

Jaida interrupted my thoughts, by turning on her heel and storming back upstairs. I chuckled to myself, making a mental note to revisit the topic respect in the very near future, albeit without the use of a belt.

As my morning progressed, so did my headache, and I couldn't shake the feeling I had some kind of cold coming on. I was pissed, cause I never get sick but it would explain my lack of energy and motivation.

Madison turning up, unannounced though alone, wasn't exactly my favorite sight in the world, but she had with her croissants and Starbucks so I didn't exactly tell her to leave. It was only 9.30am, and while I didn't usually let Jaida rule the roost by staying in bed all day, I didn't wanna deal with her bratty attitude just yet.

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