Chapter Twelve

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A/N- Hey guys, firstly I want to thank everyone for all the love on this story, it means a lot. Secondly, I'm currently in the process of moving back home 🙄 (thank you covid). So updates could take a little, unfortunately college is a lot tougher when you have to take online classes and your parents are actually there to make sure you're doing them so 😴🙄 please bare with me, thanks everyone ❤️

It was Saturday. School started on Monday. I tried hard not to dwell on that, refusing to let the anxiety set in about being the new kid. I was somewhat used to being an outcast, but I had a serious game plan heading into it and it was simple enough; it's gonna be over soon. Even if I lasted to the end of high school with Alex, it'd still be over with in the end. So one way or another, it wouldn't last forever.

Having spent a good portion of the night worried about how Alex would be with me following a particularly heavy day, I holed myself up in room for as long as possible. I had heard him and Madison getting up that morning, so I knew she'd have him distracted enough to keep me in the clear for as long as possible. So obviously I spent my morning having a shower, doing my make up (I had purchased a decent amount of decent make up the day before, obviously) and dressing up in one of the many pairs of overpriced jeans and a Tommy Hilfiger sweater I had bought. It wasn't dressing up, I know, but for me owning anything like that was dressing up. The Nike socks to go with the Air Force 1s I had bought I thought was a bit of an overstatement of wealth, but Madison assured me I didn't look as pretentious as I thought.
With that in mind, I spent a ridiculous amount of time taking selfies, and mirror selfies and posted a few on Instagram.

Having received a little more attention than I thought on the photos, and knowing I achieved my main target which was to show the bitches from the shelter that I was doing way better than them, I started to come to terms with the fact that I simply couldn't stay in my room forever.
Hunger wasn't always a driving force for me, I used to be extremely good at ignoring it, but since living with Alex I ended up with this reliance on regular meals and water. I guess that's what happens when your actually looked after for the first time in your life, lol.
But I wasn't complaining, the last time I was measured in height I was five foot one, after measuring myself that morning I was five four, so there was something to be gained from no longer being malnourished.

Deciding on being brave, at 11.30am, I sheepishly made my way downstairs. I can't fully explain the reason for my contrite mood, but it probably had to do with the sheer will to not have my ass beaten. Self preservation.
I walked in on Madison and Alex mid conversation, they stopped to greet me but carried on in the conversation. Unfortunately for me, Alex motioned for me to sit at my seat at the island, and put the awful green shake in front of me. I tried to resist the eye roll, but failed and got the look but again, they continued.

It appeared they were talking about Madison's younger sister, her sneaking out to a party the night before or something. That girl should just thank her lucky stars she doesn't have an Alex right about now, I think I'd rather die than face him after something like that, not to be dramatic.
"Kids make mistakes, Alex!" Madison defended, presumably Alex was expressing the fact he'd have no fuse for something like that.
He scoffed. "Yeah, and should be held accountable for it. If your big enough to go to a party, your big enough to deal with the consequences."
I remain as neutral as possible, drinking my disgusting green shake but acknowledging silently that I'm the healthiest I've ever been, as my motivation to drink it.

Madison eventually backs down, and stands up grabbing her purse.
"Well I'm off, it was great meeting you Jaida. And I'll see you on Monday after school." She winks, before pulling me in for a hug and giving me a squeeze. I can't help but smile back, she's a breath of fresh air with how relaxed she is about things. Alex can be so uptight, and let's face it, I'm rather tense myself.
Alex walked her to the door, and I sighed in relief. At least we'd be alone when we went through me for a shortcut.

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