Chapter Five

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I spent much of the following days trying to understand, to get a handle on my emotions. I felt confused sometimes. Why did that spanking change so much. Before it happened, my initial response to it was that I'd hate, which I did, but I didn't hate him. In fact, I felt a lot closer to him after it, as if he could actually change it all and undo all the damage.

During the punishment, I felt horrible and humiliated. But his presence was so overwhelming in that moment, he talked me through it. He didn't want me to feel scared and he tried his hardest to make sure I didn't, and it worked. Not saying I wanted to be in that position again, cause I really didn't, but I felt more relaxed about it.

Perhaps it was how anxious I was ever since he told me that's how he planned to discipline me. Now I know he was right, it's embarrassing and it sucks, I smile at his almost childish recollection of his own childhood memory, even now, almost a week after my first night here. But also, I wasn't harmed in anyway, and I'm not scared. I am definitely actively avoiding it happening again, and so far it's working.

Although, having been with Alex for 5 entire days, I felt restless. He still had my phone, even though I'd been relatively well behaved. He wouldn't allow me to go outside the house by myself, in case I didn't come back or I got in some type of trouble.
Sure he'd bought me some nice, new clothes and accessories but I needed to break out, have my phone back and be able to listen to music.

That day, it was only lunch time, I had eaten more healthy food and I wanted a take out for dinner, I wanted my phone back and I wanted some space. Alex, though, didn't really care for any of the the above.

"If you want some time to yourself, go to your room and chill out, Jaida." He eyes me, as he continues to fold laundry. I whine, petulantly, from my seat at the island, watching him fold his laundry in the laundry room. "Or I can think of ways to keep you preoccupied!" He warns, letting me know I don't want that option.
"Why are being so annoying, I haven't done anything wrong in days!" I complain, pouting. "Give me my phone back, already!" In my rage fit, I barely noticed Alex moving out of the laundry room to come closer to me, folding his arms across his chest, one brow raised.
"You don't give the orders around here, little lady." He says, sternly.

I scoff, pounding my fist off the counter top. "I'm not doing a single thing you say, it's not worth it. You're mean and unfair and no matter how good I am your just going to hold me prisoner here with no phone forever!" I whine out, having a complete tantrum.
To which Alex responds with a deep laugh. My mouth drops open, I'm in complete turmoil and he's laughing?

Alex pulls me out of my seat, and into a hug. "Come on, you're upset for no reason." I don't hug him back, mostly because he's being a dick. "We can do something fun, what do you wanna do?" He asks, in a nicer tone, rocking me back and forth.
"Get away from you for an hour!" I burst, and immediately feel bad. "That sounds rude, I'm sorry but you're all over me like a rash I just need some peace!" I tell him and I feel his chest rise and fall as he chuckles.

"I'm sorry I brought you to such a war zone of a life, sweetie." He teases, standing back and studying my face. Trying to figure out, what I'm planning, if I'm planning so I keep an impassive expression on. 
"My cousins daughter is about your age, maybe you could meet her." He tries and I roll my eyes. He responds by sending a few hard swats to my behind, warning me I'm skating a thin line.
"I don't want to!" I pout, breaking free of his hold and literally sprinting out of the room to my bedroom and slamming the door shut.
I didn't know why I was being difficult, I just felt like I needed a break. Playing the innocent daughter act was fun for a few days, but I need contact with another human. Or even just time with myself.

Having cried for about an hour, I fell asleep. Truth be told, I hadn't slept much the night before. I knew the first few days were a honeymoon stage of sorts, and now the reality was setting in.

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