Chapter Twenty Two

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While I got ready for bed, I hadn't even thought of the fact that Madison was in the house. Even when I got back to the kitchen it hadn't dawned on me, but she was. And she was asleep. A part of me wanted to tear her out of bed by her hair, like her sisters sidekicks had done to me. See how she likes it.

But I didn't, instead I sat on the stool at the island, feeling pretty shit about myself and my night. It had gone so well. Ella texted to say her fosters were fussing over her bloody nose but all was well. So at least I could relax about her for the night.

Alex emerges, going straight to the freezer for an ice pack and pulling the first aid kit down from on top of the cupboards before coming to stand next to me, spinning my stool to face him and putting the ice pack on my hand.
"Didn't go to plan, huh?" He surmised and I laugh dryly.

He sighs, as he dabs at my lip with a cotton ball and antiseptic. "I'm sorry this happened sweetie, and I'm so sorry Madison knew anything. I'll get to the bottom of that because I've no idea where she found that out." He tells me and I frown, confused.
"You didn't tell her?" I blink, trying to bat his hand away from my lip with my good hand but he swats it away, giving me a very watered down version of the look before continuing.

"Of course I didn't tell her, that would be a gross violation of your privacy. I'm guessing she was rooting through my files a long time ago, cause I don't keep that stuff here now. It's somewhere safe." He explains, putting some cream on my lip before grabbing me a bottle of water from the back room.
"Then I owe you an apology, I assumed it must have came from you." I admit, sighing deeply.

He shakes his head, a small smile on his face. "What else were you to think. But I'm sorry. And I'm proud of you for holding it together. I wish your night had been better, baby girl."

I chuckle. "Me too." But then another question crosses my mind. "Madison said she was poor growing up, why does her sister go to my school? And why didn't she mention that before?" Alex looks as stumped as I feel, a frown forming on his face.
"That's a good question. I'm assuming Madison paid for the schooling, she has money. She works for me so I know how her bank balances. But she didn't tell me Megan was at your school either."

The plot thickens. But before we can get any further, the devil herself appears, one eye closed as she's blinded by the light. She had clearly been asleep.
"What's going on?" She asks us, and I scowl but Alex flashes me a look warning me to let him take care of it before facing her.

By then, she noticed the ice pack and busted lip, immediately looking concerned but she's fake.
Right as I'm about to tell her as much, Alex speaks up. "Jaida had a run in with your sister tonight, seems Jaida is dating her ex and she wasn't very happy to see her." Madison frowns, coming closer to inspect my face before looking up at Alex in confusion. 

"Why would Megan have been at the party, she doesn't even go to that school." She asks, and Alex and I exchange a confused glance. What the fuck?
"She goes to North Valley High, that's nowhere near here."

I roll my eyes. "Who fucking cares?" I almost laugh. "Seriously? You told her all my business and she told everybody else at the party before attacking my friend and setting her dogs loose on me. I know I'm just a filthy foster kid but there was quite a few eye witnesses to the proceedings so don't even try with me." I warn, standing from my seat but Alex moves to right next to me.

"Sit down, now." He warns me and I scowl, bitter.
Madison looks confused but I can't contain myself, I have to say more.
"Oh yeah, she told me all about how you wanted a ring and his baby but I came along and took that away from you." Madison pales, looking mortified.

"Jaida.." She begins, but trails off looking to Alex. "I told her last year that you were distant from me after we had the discussion about getting married, I only said to her I wanted a family not that you did. Then when you told me recently about the paternity test, I was pissed off. But I didn't even know Jaida yet. And I read a file I found in the head office about her. I still didn't know her. But it wasn't how it sounds. I've gotten to know her," She cuts herself off, looking to me. Alex looked unwavering, and disappointed.

She moves to stand in front of me, trying to rub my arm but I shrug her off. "Jaida I didn't know you, naturally I was shocked when I found out about you. As a girl, you know yourself, I had my life planned out and I was just disappointed that it wasn't turning out how I expected. Now that I know you, I've gotten to adore having you around. Please don't think I did this on purpose, I never in a million years thought you and Megan would meet under those circumstances." I just nod, knowing I needed to leave Alex and her to it.

"Okay, if you say that's how it is then I believe you." I tell her and she nods eagerly. "I'm gonna just go to bed and try to sleep, and let you guys talk." I look between them both as I speak.

Alex nods, putting an arm around my shoulder as I pass him. "Okay sweetheart, I'll be in to check you before we go to bed." He tells me and I nod. No need.

Just as I'm leaving I turn back, knowing I won't sleep with my throbbing hand. "Can I have something for my hand, please?" I ask him and he nods quickly, as if he'd forgotten something.

"Shoot, we'll go to the hospital tomorrow to make sure nothings busted but I don't think so. Just bruised." I scoff, but nod along. It's agonizing. Something is definitely broken. He hands me two pills, and I immediately pop them in mouth, hoping that combined with the two beers I snuck at the party will put me to sleep.

Just as I'm about to try sleep, a text chimes in.

Jamie: Okay, so as horrible as that night turned out, I had a really good time with you. Sorry I'm texting so late, I had to drop some people home before I headed myself. How's the hand? And everything at home? Can we meet up tomorrow for a real date? Even if it's just McDonald's, I wanna see you. Okay I'm being too much, but let me know 😘

I smile, what a simp. But I'd dip for a Maccys right now if I could.

Me: I'm okay, and everything's fine at home. Turns out Alex didn't tell Madison anything, but I'll fill you in tomorrow if I can. I might have to go to the hospital, cause my hand is FUCKED. But I had the best time with you too and if not tomorrow then next weekend for dinner. And I'm sorry I acted crazy hitting the fence, I'm still tryna learn how to not attack shit when I'm mad 🤣 sleep tight, I'll hit you up tomorrow 😘

After that, I slept relatively easy. But note to self, don't hit walls, and don't get involved in politics. And don't trust Ella to hold herself back. What a crazy night. I guess I wouldn't be going to anymore parties.

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