Chapter Twenty Nine

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Curled up on the sofa, staring blankly at literally nothing with nothing at all going through my mind was how I spent my morning. I had gotten a shower, informed Ella and Jamie of my life's most recent fuck up and was simply shifting around uncomfortably trying to ignore the burning pain inflicted to my ass with a belt. Thanks a lot, dad.

Then the doorbell rang. I sighed, but didn't even have the fight to ignore it. I had convinced Alex I was okay, so he was on the phone for a while trying to take time off for a couple of weeks. Fantastic!

When I timidly pulled the door back, hiding behind it, I was more than surprised to find both Ella and Jamie on the other side, with a huge bouquet of flowers and a bag which I'm assuming is one of Ellas survival gift bags.

They both had that sympathetic look on their faces, neither of them knowing what to say. I gave them a small smile, and gestured for them to come in.
"Hey, you guys." My voice comes out smaller and more broken than I would have liked, and Ella can't hold herself back any longer, diving on me and engulfing me in the most heartfelt hug she's ever given anyone.

I hug her back, smiling to Jamie who's standing behind her. "Well, this is a surprise." I can't help but smile, feeling all the love from her and she pulls back, giving me this look to shut up. I frown, and see Jamie's confused face.

"You told me you spoke to Alex and Jaida about this." He voices, and I chuckle. Ella cringes before turning around to Jamie.
"Well you were all in my face about space and boundaries, I'm like the only person left who even knew her mom!" She defends, as she shoves him into the living room grabbing my hand to pull me along.

I shake my head, moving to Jamie's open arms for my hug there as I respond. "Well that's not true, Alex knocked her up and made a bastard baby with her." I counter as Jamie wraps his arms around me, both of them laughing.

"Well I'm glad you haven't lost your charming sense of humor." I hear Alex pipe in, and I turn around, grinning.
"But you did, all 5'4" of me is standing right here, living proof of the whole inappropriate impregnating situation."

Ella finds it hilarious, Alex is giving me the sarcastic smirk and I can sense Jamie is unsure of is his presence is even welcome. Makes a nice change from the Black Death luxuriation of the entire house.

Alex just shakes his head. "You're disgusting." He tells me, before chuckling and turning his attention to our surprise guests. "I'm guessing the flowers were your idea." He smirks, nodding to Jamie.

He nods, looking apologetic. "Ella told me she asked if we could come." This gets another chuckle from Alex.
"And you believed her?" He jokes before shaking his head. "If Jaida's okay with it, I'm okay with it. Just stay down stairs." I can't help but laugh, as if that's on my mind.

Alex left us to it, reminding me Jasmine would be here and would want to talk to me. But I knew he was just as happy for me to be distracted for the time being.

After situating ourselves on the couch, I knew they'd want details but I didn't have any.
"Last night was horrible, I couldn't get any sleep and I just kept dreaming of my-" I cut myself off, not willing to say it. "Of her, and then Alex woke me up at like 3am and I instantly knew why. All I really know is they found her with a syringe in her arm so she probably overdosed on heroin." Jamie pales, and Ella just looks sad.

"God I'm so sorry." Jamie offers, and I can tell he sincerely has no idea what to say. But what can you say.
I smile, squeezing his hand. "It's pretty fucked up." I say and Ella nods her head in agreement.

"At least she's not suffering anymore." She remarks and I can't help but agree. Addiction is crippling, I've watched it throughout my life and no matter how many times she tried, all roads lead home for her.

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