Chapter Fifty Three

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Dad barely mentioned the Jamie thing which was strange in itself, but I still thought it wise to approach with caution until it had blown over.

I wasn't in particularly bad form mentally since things were settling with me and Madison but I had woken up on the wrong side of the bed that day when dad came home from his meetings.

He obviously greeted me and gave me a hug as well as a watered down lecture on house rules surrounding my boyfriend but then disappeared into his office which suited me since we tended to butt heads.  I had tried to get out of my mood by walking the beach and was coming into the kitchen for water feeling calm if nothing else, when I was met with Madison's parental glare.

I paused my Spotify and cocked a brow in her direction. "What's your deal?" I ask her, carrying on to the fridge for a bottle of water. It was only when I turned back to face her, mid swig of water when I realized she was seriously glaring at me. Like angry glaring.

"What part of grounded was unclear to you, Jaida?" She asks and I sigh. Fuck. I'd forgotten. She imposed a grounding on me until dad came home over the whole Jamie thing which was dumb since she'd scorched my ass for that. But whatever, she did it and I agreed to it simply cause if I didn't she'd tell my dad and then he'd repeat the whole process, leaving me phoneless for days.

"I'm sorry I forgot," I tell her, earnestly but her incredulous expression tells me she's not over it by a simple apology. "I figured dads home and he hasn't said I was grounded." I go on and then her expression becomes grim.

"Your dad didn't ground you, Jaida, I did. Also, is it that you forgot, or is that you thought it would be okay since dad was home?" She challenges and I do realize how dumb of a defense that was when I did actually just forget.

But instead of accepting defeat, I felt my ire rise. "Why are you berating me? I forgot, end of discussion." I snap and she gives me that oh really look she's gotten so good at.

"Oh no, girlie, you don't get to tell me when a conversations over." She replies, moving closer to where I was standing. Subconsciously, I take a further step back. "Your grounding stands until next weekend, and thats to include unsupervised walks to the beach." She tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"That's so fucking stupid," I mutter under my breath as I turn to walk away. And just my luck, I walk straight into my father who was stood with his arms crossed on the door way, leaning up against the frame in his signature stance.

"Care to repeat that?" He asks in a low voice, and suddenly I feel very ganged up on. Imagine I spent my life resenting that I didn't have two parents, this shit sucks.

So instead of backing down, I huff. "No I do not," I drawl out, attempting to push past him. But he simply blocks me, looking down at me in amusement as I try to work out how I can escape the room. "You're both being freaks, I forgot and I apologized and I didn't even try to kill her for grounding me for even longer, what more do you want from me?" I whine out, stomping my foot for emphasis.

Madison jumps back in then. "You're being incredibly disrespectful ever since you walked in the room, this whole situation is of your own making," I can't even argue as my eyes roll again. I am being disrespectful. Because I find it boring.  

"Point fucking taken, but you've made your point and I don't actually see what's left to discuss!" I fire off, probably because I was backed in the corner. And as soon as the words flew out of my mouth, my dad pushed off the door frame and caught me by the arm, swatting me 5 times on my still sensitive butt.

"We can discuss your disgusting language and attitude, though it's about to be a pretty one sided discussion." Dad threatens leaning down so he's close to me face. "What's it to be?"

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