Chapter Thirty Eight

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Jaida kept her distance from me for the rest of the day, even after I dropped Ella home, she stayed inside her room, not even making an appearance for dinner. So when 7pm came and went, I decided I needed to at least insist she eat something.

I made it pretty clear I wasn't upset with her, so I could only assume she was looking for some space. Sometimes things went on inside her head, and I could do nothing about it.

Just as I was about to potentially bulldoze, as I had a tendency to do, she wandered into the kitchen, skittishly.

Regarding me cautiously, she gave me a wry smile before going straight into the freezer and retrieving a bag of peas.

That's when I realized it. She busted her hand, again. Upon inspection from my seat, I noticed it was a lovely shade of purple, and there was some swelling.

"Anything you want to talk to me about?" I sat back in my seat, feeling a smirk tug at my lips. She peeked up at me through her lashes, before scowling. Wrapping a towel around the peas, and resting it against her hand, she moved to the island.

Shaking her head, and sighing deeply, she finally let out a dry laugh. "Busted my hand, again."

I reach out, gently removing the ice pack and having a look of my own before responding. "You sure did," I agree, before gesturing for her to continue icing it.

"Any other thoughts?" I ask her, noting her concerned look. She looked like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders.

She shrugged to herself, before looking back to me. "I'm just annoyed that this happened," she admits, sighing. "I probably shouldn't have swung for her, honestly I've been in these situations more times than I care to remember and usually when I know someone is planning to hit me, I'm a nervous wreck. Then it happens and I just swing." She chuckles to herself, though she doesn't look very pleased with herself.

However, I was pleased. I loved these occasions when she let me in a little bit.
"It seems stupid to have hit her now that you're hurt," I nod my head in agreement. "But what was the alternative? You don't have to let people walk all over you." I tell her, reaching out and nudging her shoulder with my fist.

"I wanna go to school tomorrow," she looks apprehensive, and I roll my eyes internally.

"We're going to have to get that checked out," I begin, ignoring her pleading eyes. I knew she hated any kind of medical setting. Which didn't make for good reading this month as a whole. 

I had her seeing a dentist in two weeks time, back in for another check up with Dr Williams, per her request, and now this. But sometimes life throws curveballs. In other words, get over it.

She groans, cupping her head in her good hand, her left hand. "I just want things to be normal," she hisses, and it's more as though she's in pain than throwing a fit.

I slowly lean across the table, stretching to rub her back. "Hey, everything will be normal," I promise her, without hesitation. "Just bear with me for another couple of weeks." She shakes her head, refusing to look up.

"I can't," She whispers, and I frown, a feeling of dread forming right in the pit of my stomach. "It's too much, I haven't slept in weeks, I need a break." She rushes to say, as I watch the tears start to form in her eyes.

Due to her ever arrogant attitude, her vulnerability always caught me by surprise. At least for a moment.

"Listen, I know it's been a lot," I amend, keeping my tone soft. "But there'll be good times very soon. Christmas is around the corner, we'll have a nice time." I coax her, hoping to bring this back.

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