Chapter Sixteen

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Alex woke me up bright and early the morning following our birthday. Despite having had a good night after the drinking incident, he reminded me we still had unfinished business to take care of the next morning and true to his word, he arrived to wake me up just before 6am with a belt in his hand.

Presumably, he didn't feel the need to talk it through with me, though to be fair, there wasn't much to discuss. With that said, all he did was order to me to bend over the chair at my vanity and whoop my ass with the belt. About half way through he started lecturing. I was already barely holding back the tears, due to his unrelenting pace. It felt like there was only a seconds pause between each lick of fire that was being unleashed onto my very sorry ass.

"I can't believe you thought you could get away with drinking raw vodka in the house without me noticing." He says, incredulously. Just as I'm about to respond, another lick hits the sensitive part where my butt meets my thighs, causing me to grunt followed by the inevitable tears.

"That's got you regretting your actions, hasn't it!" He muses, clearly noticing the message was sinking in. Naturally, he hits that exact spot again and a third time, before my hand flies back to protect me from any further onslaught.

"I'm sorry!" I cry out, desperate for him to stop, although he didn't seem to be phased by my tears or have any concern for anything other than his mission to make me sorry. Alex simply hums, clearly not believing my lesson had been learned. "Sorry you did it, or sorry that you got caught?"

His question catches me off guard, and as I move my hands from my ass to tuck a stray hair behind my ear, another lick comes down hard on the back on my thighs. "Both!" I yell, a little too honestly. Telling him I was sorry for drinking would've been just fine. I kick myself as another three swats fall across my burning backside, letting out a rather loud 'ow' in response. That marked 25, and by far my worst punishment to date.

I took advantage of him letting up by attempting to steady my breathing, and hold back the sobs. "You took the vodka from my fridge?" He questions and I nod, not willing to take any extra for lying. Just when I thought it was over, five impossibly hard licks lands across the sore spot again.

"Owwww! Alex!" I sob, as I jump up from the desk, grabbing my roasted ass. He tosses the belt back onto my bed, and while I was relieved to see that we were done, his face told a different tale. I attempt to turn my back on him, with the intention of stopping the tears flowing, but he stopped me.

"Think drinking was a good idea now?" He questions and I shake my head instantly. "Those last five were for going into my fridge, it is the only thing in this house that's off limits to you! If I catch you in there again I'll be doubling what you got today. Clear?" He barks.

"Yes sir." I agree immediately, dropping my head. I risk peeking through my lashes, just to be met with a cold stare. Clearly drinking was a major no-no. Duly noted. "I'm sorry, Alex." I apologise, my voice soft, seeing as he clearly was waiting for something.

"Apology accepted, with stipulations." He finally relents, though the angry look on his face had barely faded. "You're grounded, meaning no phone, no going out, no friends over, no leaving this house without me or Madison. And while we're on that topic, you owe her an apology. And she'll be in the kitchen waiting on that apology as soon as you're ready for school." He tells me and I cringe. She had heard that whole thing.

"Yes sir." I agree, though knowing she had heard me getting my ass handed to me pissed me off. However, I was not about to air that concern with my angry bear of a father. "Alright, get ready and meet us down there as soon as." He finally gives me a hint of a smile, pulling me towards him and hugging me tight.

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