Chapter Eleven

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Alex, Madison and I managed to have a nice lunch, and then he pulled more shit. He had to go and work for a couple of hours, so he handed Madison a shiny black credit card and told her to let me go wild basically.
Although we had a rocky start, we made up for it while shopping, and I had one of the best afternoons ever with Madison. The only issue was that we had far too many bags to carry after a couple of hours which just added to our laughter, as we tried to navigate our way through the busy mall with about 10 bags each.

Maddie just finished up calling Alex to pick us up, after we had a McDonald's.
"Okay so he's coming, and he's probably gonna freak out when he sees all this, I told him to bring the Jeep." She giggles, trying to put her phone into her hand bag. "I told him I'm helping you organize your closet too, this is gonna be so much fun." She continues, leading me towards the exit.
I follow, barely staying on my feet with all the bags, my arms aching. "Do you think he's gonna be mad at me for buying too much?" I ask her, nervously. She instantly whirls around, bags trashing around the place, to face me while rapidly shaking her head no. "I was just kidding, he's been trying to organize a shopping date since you moved in. Don't worry." She reassures me, smiling. "Besides, he'll just have to get over it. Especially when I tell him I'm booking us in for a hair and nails day before you start fancy, private school."

I had learned Madison wasn't from such an affluent background herself, and she spent a portion of the afternoon mocking me about the private school thing. Due to the fun we'd had, I wondered why Alex thought she was going to be some strict, watchful eye with the studying and homework thing.
"I hope he's in a better mood now, he's been difficult for a couple days." I mutter, wishing I had my phone.
She smiles sympathetically. "Yeah I know he can be tough, but one thing I'll say is he's very smart and he knows what's best for you." I nod my head in agreement, smiling back at her.
"He's great, actually. I've never been this close to anybody but he keeps taking my phone every time I look at him funny." I sigh, more exasperated than upset. 
"Well, we can try get it back now." She winks to me, and I narrow my eyes in confusion but just my luck, Alex pulls up.

As Alex helps load up the car, I notice him and Madison in conversation. He looks as though he's not believing what she's saying, rolling his eyes at her, but finally nods to her.
"Jaida, it seems as though you've made a friend out of Madison." He eyes me, as we get in the car.
I shrug, unsure of where he's going with that. "We can talk about the phone thing later, but just so you're both clear, I'm not being tag teamed and guilted into doing things I don't want to do."
I chuckle, how dramatic. "You don't think that's a bit dramatic? If you truly feel like that then keep the phone Alex." I tell him, knowing he can't glare at me while driving the car. But I genuinely meant it too, there's no point getting my phone back when I know he's not happy about it. I'd rather not have it in that case.
Madison whirls around to look at me, giving me a "wtf" look. I shake my head, telling her to leave it alone.
"Okay then, I will." Alex eyes me in the rear view mirror.
"That's your choice." I say simply, looking out the window.

I simply wasn't willing to go home and fight all night, I ended up having a decent day shopping and got a lot of nice things, there was no need to spoil that nor throw it back in his face by pushing for more.
When we get back to the house, and carry the 20 odd shopping bags to my room, Alex asks Madison to leave us for a minute to talk to me.
He closes the door, and turns to face me. I instantly drop my head, fully sure he's going to be mad at me for giving him attitude earlier in the day about my phone.
I hear him sigh, and risk peeking up at him to see he looks tired. "What's going on, sweetheart?"
I shake my head. "Well, you wanted to talk to me." I remind him, half smiling.
"You seem spiteful today." He says simply. "I just want to know how you're feeling?"
I sigh, deeply. "I don't like that you always take my phone the second I do one little thing wrong."
He chuckles, eyeing me curiously. "Isn't that the point?" He basically asks and I shrug.
"I don't know?!" I exclaim, but giggle softly. "I literally have no idea about any of this stuff. My mom.." I trail off, realizing I'm opening up about something I didn't think I'd ever be able to.
"Go on, Jaida." Alex encourages, gently.

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