Chapter Fifty

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"I'm not paid enough for this shit!" I fire back at the financial controller, who happened to be one of eight important people filling the board room.

A quick glance to my watch told me it was 9.17am. Though my regular work day starts at 8.30am, it genuinely felt like I'd been there hours. Mondays sucked in general. But getting a summons to a meeting with the financial controller, head of accounts, purchasing manager and of course the CEO and owner wasn't my idea of a good Monday.

I was always the one answering to what had gone wrong when it came to accounts, but the head of accounts sat there looking at me like my outburst was inappropriate.

"I'm not going to sit here playing 20 questions when you won't actually allow me to look into what it is that you're talking about!" I go on, ignoring Alex's look burning holes in me. "If there's been a mistake, and I'm guessing there has been, and I'll go as far as to say I'm guessing it was my mistake then I will correct it." I blow out a breathe, trying not to sweat.

John, the stern and boring financial controller looks on with a raised brow.

"The issue, as I've explained several times now, is pertaining to multiple purchases being put through without signed PO's. So my question to you is this; how can you have balanced last months books when there is over $10,000 worth of purchases unaccounted for?" Yeah that was a direct question, which called for a direct answer. And I thanked god for my heavily painted face cause I knew my natural complexion had blushed by now. Either due to humiliation or high blood pressure. 

I nod to steel myself, barely avoiding the scowl. "First of all, you're trying to make a mediocre amount of money sound like theft. They were all bordering on purchases fit for petty cash and I have obtained receipts for them all," I begin, again ignoring the disapproving looks. "Putting it simply, I haven't submitted last months books because as you've pointed out, they don't balance. But not because of fraudulence, or evasion, but because of inefficiency when it comes to signing PO's. If that process sped up, then all would be right in my books." I say pointedly, looking to Alex who literally scoffed aloud. Sign your PO's, motherfucker.

"If I say no to those purchases, how are you gonna cover the costs then?" Alex asks and I have to remind myself to be respectful to my boss, and not get into a domestic with my boyfriend.

I chuckle instead. "You really don't want me to answer that." I tell him, because it was true. I could make $10,000 go away in an hour, maybe less. I was trying to do the honest thing and get it signed off on, but of course everything was blown way out of proportion.

John clears his throat. "I'll sign off on them for now, but I'm making it clear to everyone now. The next person to make a purchase that needed clearance first will be held accountable for that error, and I'm expecting the accounts department to be forthcoming with any imperfections pertaining to dodgy purchases." I roll my eyes, nodding along. I look to Kathy, my boss, who looks somewhat annoyed at me, but gives me a small smile. "Have a good day, everyone." He says, standing to leave.

Thank fuck, I think, pushing out my chair and moving to leave. I happened to fall into step with Alex, who was going through his travel itinerary with Melissa. Alex was due to fly to San Francisco that afternoon, leaving me and Jaida to our own devices until Friday evening.

I forced myself to walk straight into my office, collapsing down into my comfy chair, that was one of my unsigned purchases, and sighing in relief.

A knock on my open door pulls me from my thoughts. And even I had to allow Alex's sexy body in that suit to impress me. But I was on my period, so an office quickie was a no go.

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