Chapter Forty Three

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Stressed didn't begin to explain how I was feeling as I anxiously awaited the arrival of Pete.

And guilty didn't even touch how I felt about cutting it short with Jaida in order to deal with this.

I considered having a drink, to take the edge off, but I knew that wouldn't win me any points with my delightful godfather. Why my parents thought I needed a godparent at all was beyond me. One set of parents was more than enough. And while I'd give almost anything to have them back, even their judgement wouldn't be accepted in this situation.

Jaida was more fragile than ever and the last thing I needed was more people upsetting the peace of our routine.

I briefly told her that Pete had yet to find out about my having a daughter, and I tried to assure her that it was nothing to do with being ashamed or anything even close.

It was everything to do with me wanting an easy life. Much like the situation with Madison. I didn't want to tell him before he'd have a chance to meet her because I knew that would soften the blow, and since she's moved in she's had enough to contend with. I simply wanted to protect her from his overbearing ass.

Just on cue, my doorbell rang, followed by Ellie running to investigate. Then the sound of Pete letting himself in as my front door opened and closed filled my ears.

Sighing in defeat, I stood from my seat at the island and took in the sight of my second father. Pete was tall, not as tall as me but tall. For a man in his sixties he was in great shape, and had all his hair albeit grey.

He wore slacks and a shirt and I briefly wondered who in their right mind dressed like that for no reason, before reminding myself what I was dealing with. Another military man, with the no nonsense attitude and stern demeanor rivaling that of my fathers.

"Pete." I cleared my throat, moving to shake his hand, as would be the norm.

A hint of a smile crossed his face as took my outstretched hand in a firm grip, nodding towards me by way of greeting.

He was a pretty intense guy. I know I could be accused of that too but he took it to a new level, and my daughter certainly wasn't going to warm up to him, nor would she acquiesce.

"Alex," he finally says, moving to sit at the dining table. "It's been a while." I roll my eyes internally, I hate small talk. If there's nothing to say, why say anything. You know?

Nodding, I move back towards the main kitchen. "Can I get you anything?" I ask him, feeling completely uneasy. I had to remind myself to get a hold of myself. I'm a grown man, in my own home. I didn't need to feel anxious anymore.

He nods once. "Water."

I scoff to myself once my back is turned, if I'd forgotten my manners it would be a different story entirely.

Once I'd returned with the water, and taken a seat opposite him at the dining table, I had to steel myself to keep my nerve.

"I have some news." I tell him, and he raises a brow, scratching his chin absentmindedly. "I have a daughter." Is all I manage to say, sounding was more confident than I felt.

He straightens up immediately, a look of bewilderment on his face. "What are you talking about?" He demands to know.

"I didn't know, once I found out I sought her out immediately," I begin to explain, watching his barely perceptible reactions. "She's upstairs and I didn't anticipate having this conversation with her in earshot." I try to warn him not to raise his voice, not that he would. He did the whole scary calm thing.

He raises a brow again, giving me a very parental glare which was his way of telling me to get on with the story.

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