Chapter Eight

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Having learnt my lesson early with Fitz about the school thing, I decided I'd have to keep quiet and despise the idea of going to school in silence. However, that didn't mean I was happy about it. Nope, hence why he was downgraded back to Fitz. And I communicated with him the most minimalistic way possible, just enough to avoid any more trouble, knowing I'd have plenty of it to come with the school thing. I had four days left until school started. Sophomore year. Great.

Despite the angst about the school thing and Alex' intolerant attitude towards my having an opinion on it, I was in relatively good form. I was content, having won my phone back the day before, so I could listen to music in peace and block Alex out. He had also bought me AirPod pros, so that made the whole music experience a lot more fun.

The noise cancellation had freaked me out at first, but as I said there listening to Eminem's "Without me", watching Alex stand there angrily lecture me I decided I fucking loved the noise cancellation feature.
I watched his facial expressions, his eyebrows going crazy as he animatedly spoke to me. I couldn't help it. I really tried, but watching him put so much passion into whatever it is I did to upset him, all the while I had no clue what he saying, I couldn't hold back the obnoxious laughter.

This of course was not appreciated by Fitz, not at all. And he expressed that by stopping his crazy facial expressions and glaring. Like super glare, jaw clenched, nostrils flared deadass glare. I immediately pulled an AirPod out, causing the song to pause and I avoided his glare by putting the AirPods back in the case.

"What now, Fitz?" I sigh, then realize I called him that to his face. Shit!

"Excuse me?" He quips, and I risk a glance to see how bad it is, and it's bad. "Put those AirPods and your phone on the table, and get your disrespectful, soon to be sorry ass in the corner now." He orders and I whine, making a show of tossing my things on the table and shoving past him to the stupid corner.

I hear Alex chuckle, ironically no doubt. "You keep up that attitude, little lady." I hear him approaching me from behind just as I get to the corner.

He takes my hands and puts them on my head, then he yanks my sweats down to my ankles.
"Hey!" I yell, turning to give out to him but he takes a hold of my arms and pins me back to the wall and starts raining down heavy smacks on my pantie clad ass.

"Please stop Alex! I'm sorry!" I whine, as the sting builds rapidly and I'm sure I won't be able to last a full spanking if he keeps up with those hard seats. The room is filled with the sound of his heavy hand connecting with my sore ass, and my sniffles. He finally stops after about 30 swats.

"Now stand in that corner in the correct position without a single complaint or so help me god you won't sit for a week Jaida Ann!" I jump at the harshness in his voice, but jump into position. Not willing to risk a single swat to my backside.

"Yes sir." I say quietly, hoping to earn some brownie points.

"Good! That's what you'll be calling me for the foreseeable future since you think you can address me with nothing but disrespect!" Alex booms, as he departs the room, probably to get some kind of painful implement. "You'll learn!" I hear him, on his way up the stairs.
I whine, wondering what I'd done in the first place to make him so mad at me.

Alex returns, depositing what sounds like the belt on the coffee table.
"Step out of the pants, and get over here now Jaida." He orders in a calmer tone then before.
I cringe, but kick them off and drop my hands as

I start to walk towards him. "Get those hands back on your head, you wanna get cheeky I'll show you how strict I can be!" I comply, stopping next to where he's seated on the sofa.
He reaches into his pocket and throws the contents down on the table in front of him.

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