Chapter Seventeen

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Contrary to my own hopes, I got homework from every single class every day at school that week. Followed by either a walk or a gym session or both with Alex. While this was definitely a transition, I didn't exactly have the time to complain or be mad about being grounded. I had no time to do anything even if I wasn't.

Despite how tiring it could be, the week had gone by without any bumps and Alex was crediting that to the fact he literally whooped my ass right at the beginning, warning me off any trouble I could find. Alex and I had slipped into an easy routine, as he had promised me we would right when we first met.

While I worked hard at school, he worked hard at work and then we had our wind down time together. And we were more comfortable with each other with each moment that passed. I figured it was for two reasons. From Alex's perspective, a weight was lifted off his shoulders when I learned the truth of our relationship and from my perspective, I could relax knowing he wasn't going anywhere.

So a week that started out on the rocks, ended up being a smooth, easy week for us both. Until about last period on Friday.

I had been up late on Thursday night working on a project for biology and didn't check my schedule for the next day. So right around lunch time on Friday I noticed I had P.E. class last period. But my gym clothes were at home.

I was standing at my locker, internally freaking out when Jamie appeared next to me giving me a smile of sorts. He looked just as pissed off as he did every day when I saw him. But a hint of a smile appeared on his lips.

"You good?" He asks, like rushes the question, expecting I'll just nod along like I do every time he asks. But this time I don't.
"Nope." I say, shutting my locker with a heavy sigh. He scrunches his face in confusion so I put him out of misery. "I didn't realize I had P.E. today." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"You've gotta be kidding me? No problems all week and you fuck us both over cause you don't wanna do P.E.?" He rants and I shake my head but he continues. "Your dad owns a fucking gym franchise and you don't wanna do P.E."

"Dude can you chill." I hiss when I see he's making a scene and people are staring. "I didn't check my schedule, I just forgot it wasn't on purpose!"
He shakes his head, and pulls out his phone and begins texting frantically.

"I'm supposed to have scared you into not being so stupid as to forget your gym clothes." I look back at him confused, slinging my bag over my shoulders and ready to walk away from his over dramatic ass. He clearly sees my confusion and enlightens me. "If you get in trouble, I get in trouble. Think of me as like your mentor, I'm supposed to make sure you do what your meant to. And seeing as how I'm only a junior they shouldn't even be making me do this shit!" I explains, while staring at his phone.

"Hang on your a junior?" I question, so why was he forced to do this.
"Football. They'll do anything to mess with you in this school if you're jock, especially if you're good." He explains, again reading my mind. "You can't use bullshit excuses in this school, they'll instantly mark you absent, and tell your dad that you skipped class. And then they'll be all over my ass for not telling you the consequences."

I shake my head. "Okay so I'll make sure they know you did tell me the rules, it's on me." I promise him, I'm obviously not going to through him under the bus.
He looks uncertain, biting his lip. "You'll tell coach I've been texting you each night to make sure you're ready for the next day?" He asks and I smirk.

"Well that's an easy fix, my dads had my phone since Sunday, and he can confirm that with him when he rings to throw me under the bus." Jamie cracks a smile at this.
"Well that explains why you haven't hit me back." He winks as he leads towards my next class.

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